[u]18th of June[/u] [u]Skies over Tanjen[/u] [u]The helm of the Sundancer[/u] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pUwszL6J81I]A suiting theme![/url] Veela was so deeply engrossed in the goings-on of the ship behind her that she barely even noticed the Mord step into stern of the ship. Keeping a steady eye on the bearing of the ship behind her, she frowned as he began to speak. It seemed that he didn't really get the fact that conversation wasn't overly welcome on the ship. Sighing softly, she turned her gaze away from the unmarked ship before letting it slip over to the massive creature. She had only seen a few Mords in her life and all of them seemed to brandish the same impressive armour, refusing to even remove it from their bodies when they slept. Briefly, she remembered a story of her Father's own creation - something about how the people of the North were so close to the borders of Chaos that their figures became so mutated and foul that they had to cover their very bodies in sheets of their metals. [b]"There's a good wind. We should reach the border within a few hours then after that, we'll get to the next neutral Skyport at nightfall."[/b] Despite speaking to the hulking beast, she was very clearly distracted as her vision fled back towards the ship. It was only as its other side was exposed to her that she realised her mistake. Turning on her heels, her hands grasped the controls, trying to pull the ship into a steep dive. The ship barely even had time to respond before three dull thuds echoed through the airship. All passengers of the airship were swept off their feet as the ship's acceleration suddenly ceased, slamming them against the walls. Grunting in pain, Veela got to her feet in a flash and moved back into her cabin, grabbing her rifle and a breathing mask. Once the mask was on, she darted to the door that led out onto the viewing deck of the ship. Once she was out, her attention turned to the ship behind them with its three powerful harpoon guns that were reeling them in. They must have paid dear for them otherwise they probably would have snapped instantly. Sliding into a prone position on the ground, she rapidly butted her elbow against the ground beneath her and used it to carefully balance her rifle. With her other hand, she gripped the stock, keeping an excited finger hovering precariously over the trigger. Peeking into the scope, she identified four or five targets. Three of them were manning the harpoon guns so they were instantly priorities. Time seemed to slow around her as every gentle blow of the wind became a constant presence in her mind. Breath in. Every hair on her body stood to attention as she adjusted her scope; they were about a kilometer off and closing. Breath out. With the gaze of a hawk, she focused down on the furthest hunter manning the harpoon. Singling him out, everything around her ceased to exist. Breath in. Momentarily, she forgot all of the other hunters as she watched her target shift on his feet; her finger settled down on the trigger, steady and calm. Breath out. Suddenly, her finger slammed against the trigger, causing the rifle to recoil as a bullet whizzed forward. Barely a millisecond later, it connected, spraying the contents of the hunter's brains against the walls. The other hunters suddenly found their harpoon guns to be uninteresting as they retreated away from them. Veela had earned herself some time but she didn't have much. Sliding into a standing position again, she butted her rifle round onto her back before ducking into the ship again, closing the door and sealing it tight. Once again, her hands found the controls and she took a moment to settle herself, allowing a brief second of thought. There was no way in hell that they were going to pull away from those harpoons and by the looks of it, the enemy ship was closing fast. Fighting wasn't an option - whenever someone paid Hunters to capture her, they typically hired the best of the best. Cursing, she tried to shake away the growing fear before her mind suddenly exploded with one of the most idiotic plans she ever developed. [b]"Everyone grab something stable and don't let go until I say so!"[/b] She shouted, her voice echoing around the ship and reaching all of the confused passengers. Sitting, she fastened herself in. Reaching up, her hands hovered over the mass of switches above the controls, hesitating. She didn't typically like playing chicken with hunters but she had no other options. Growling, she flicked a few switches before reaching down and slamming a red button. Suddenly, the engines holding the ship up in the sky ceased. For a moment, they hovered, a blip in space before gravity finally caught up with them, pushing them Earthward-bound. The ship fell and like it or not, the ship chained to it followed as well, not being able to hold up the dead weight dragging them down. [b]"FUCK!"[/b] Veela shouted, her eyes slamming closed as she felt her precious ship accelerating towards the ground. They were thousands of feet above the ground but unless the hunters severed their bonds, they both were going to become airship-chowder.