A bit hesitant on going with the group Eric seemed to be in a bit of a runt with himself and the offer handed to them, figuratively speaking of course. He had opted to keep him self quiet all the way from Cloud Nine and to were they were now. [i][color=fff200]So, on one hand I could help out and possibly take down a threat...[/color][/i] He thought as he grabbed a hold of his chin for a moment, [color=fff200][i][sub]though it will come at a cost of blood, sweat, pain, and soreness...[/sub][/i][/color] he grimaced at the feeling of pain, the one thing he tends to avoid himself or when he lessen the pain of others. [color=fff200][i]The outcome would be great if we have any success, but then again... [sub]failure could happen as well...[/sub][/i][/color] Eric scratched at his chin while he talked with himself over the entire situation, though with the recently new knowledge gained about Vygorns and the Renegades all together Eric had came to a final decision on the internal debate going through his mind. [b]"If this is what I can do to help others... Well then, you can count me in as well."[/b] He said in a nervous tone as he looked down at his hand with a concerned expression of him being able to full control his powers and himself. [sub][color=fff200][i]I really hope I don't come to regret this...[/i][/color][/sub]