[hider=Pilcrow] [b]Name:[/b] Pilcrow [b]Age:[/b] Looks to be somewhere around 19-28. [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Appearance:[/b] Pilcrow is very pale and short, standing at 4'08". His eyes are a dull brown, and he has a head of short, black hair that never seems to grow. Pilcrow wears a white vest covered in ablative plating, dull gray cargo pants, and does not wear shoes. Any weapons that he isn't holding seem to disappear, and reappear in his hands whenever he needs them. [b]Canon, AU, or OC?:[/b] AU [b]Universe of Origin:[/b] Cave Story [b]Personality:[/b] Pilcrow is a restless wanderer without purpose, trying to find out who he was. He doesn't talk much, but will reply if spoken to. He is altruistic, and is willing to help out people who ask. [u][b]Abilities[/b][/u] [b]Arsenal:[/b] Pilcrow can carry up to 20 weapons with no problem. Don't ask where they go when he's not using them, he doesn't know either. [b]Analytic:[/b] Examining a technology-based weapon for a few seconds gives Pilcrow a good idea of how it works. Using it for a few minutes is good enough to be proficient in its use. With a few hours, he can master its use to a level that not even the weapon's creator could imagine. [b]Agility:[/b] While Pilcrow is not exceptionally fast, his reflexes are quicker than greased lightning, and he can make tactical decisions in less than an instant. [b]Flexibility:[/b] Pilcrow's body was built out of a special malleable poly-alloy, which allows him to survive being crushed flat, and to slip through tight spaces by reforming his body. His body can be regenerated with the consumption of large amounts of raw material. [u][b]Gear[/b][/u] [b]Machine Gun:[/b] An weapon that fires large energy bolts at high speeds. Has to recharge its shots between volleys and has considerable recoil, which can be used to the user's advantage. [b]Polar Star:[/b] An extremely basic energy pistol, well-used by its previous owner. Looks incomplete. [b]Fireball:[/b] A small flamethrower-like firearm that fires superheated balls of plasma. For some reason, the plasma balls are able to bounce across the ground and up slopes. [b]Blade:[/b] A sword imbued with a strange energy. For some reason, whenever Pilcrow tries to swing it, he is knocked off balance and ends up cutting himself. [b]Air Tank:[/b] Less of an air tank and more of a small oxygenated forcefield, it keeps Pilcrow dry and comfortable while underwater. Also prevents drowning. [b]Helicopter:[/b] A bulky transport craft, its closest real-world equivalent would be a CH-47. Pilcrow is just barely able to pilot it. Backstory: [hider=Backstory]Though he does not know it, Pilcrow was a combat robot sent to the floating island to steal the Demon Crown. However, shortly after his arrival, he was attacked by a witch and teleported into a massive labyrinth in the island's core. Here he wandered until he was almost destroyed by the labyrinth's fierce inhabitants, but was found and repaired by an engineer robot. As a result of his near-death, he lost all his memories, and continued to explore the labyrinth, eventually coming across the island's core. There, he found a woman who was apparently drowned, and took her machine gun before continuing his exploration. Eventually he came across an active teleporter that led to a massive farm full of rabbit-like monsters. In there, he found a rocket and the corpse of a male soldier that looked a lot like him, who had a handgun, flamethrower, sword, and an air tank, which he took. Riding the rocket up, he was able to reach the island's surface. There he found a helicopter surrounded by the corpses of people in labcoats. In his attempts to start the helicopter, he pressed a button that teleported the helicopter and himself off the island to a completely different, unknown location. Pilcrow now travels the multiverse in search of his memories, or some purpose to his existence.[/hider] Faction: Factionless. [/hider]