[center][img]http://kabooooom.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/jurassic-world-hangout-feature-header.jpg[/img][/center] [center][h2]Jurassic World - A New Dawn[/h2][/center] [center]ROLEPLAY IS FULL.[/center] [center][sup]For further information/to be placed on the waiting list, please contact [@choraki].[/sup][/center] [hider=Backstory (SPOILER WARNING)] The Indominus-Rex, the first and only hybrid created by humans, was dead. And the park was closed. Survivors of the Jurassic World's catastrophe were shipped back home, and InGen tried their best to hide the actual damage being inflicted by the huge shut down of the world's second famous theme park of all time. They had lost quite a huge amount of money, certainly, but no one might know just how much they still have in store. In fact, despite the lesson everyone should learn out of this second disaster regarding cloning dangerous dinosaurs and putting them out for display, the company still didn't seem to be fully accepting their defeat. Instead, they planned on creating another huge tourist attraction. One, that was safer, bigger, and so much more [i]'WOW'[/i] than anything that had been done before. They planned on re-opening [i]Jurassic World[/i]. No one knows just how big their plans are, but one thing is sure; they need a well-educated team of soldiers, medics, and behavioural specialists to ensure the success of their next step – the collecting of important data right from Isla Nublar; the returning of their assets to heir responsible areas; the clearing of the actual park area for further investigation. [/hider] [hider=Rules & Informations] The rules '[i]Do not god-mod[/i]' and '[i]Do not create a Mary/Gary Sue[/i]' seem to come natural, so I will simply move on to the next rules of this RP. [list] [*] If you have a problem with anything during this RP, you shall always be encouraged to contact me. However, the GM's word is final. [*] 1 human character is needed for the application. [list] [*] [i]Optional[/i] 1 dinosaur character per player is nonetheless allowed.** [*] Species like [i]Tyrannsaurus Rex[/i], [i]Indominus-Rex[/i], and [i]Spinosaurus[/i] are [b]banned[/b] unless specifically allowed. [*] Canon-dinosaurs like Blue, Delta, and Echo are definitely welcome! However, first come, first served! [/list] [*] Canon-Characters are allowed and encouraged to use. [But please stay realistic with their ages/background stories regarding the current setting. For example: An Allan would never set one single foot back on Isla Nublar, much less after the whole misere with [i]Jurassic World[/i], unless being kidnapped. And that's really not the purpose of this RP. If you can realistically reason their attendance, it's fine.] [list] [*] Same goes for OCs. [/list] [*] Romance is (probably) expected, but please keep it PG-13. No limits in sexual orientation, though. [*] If you're going to be away for more than a [i]few days[/i], please tell me. I do not expect everyone to be posting 24/7, after all this is supposed to be fun and entertaining, not pressuring. However, there's no fun with characters being away the whole time without notification if they're still interested in participating in this RP at all. [*] Two to three paragraphs for a post should be perfectly fine. More is always good, but I do not expect you to be writing a novel. It's a [i]Casual RP[/i]. [*] And last but not least, have fun! [/list] [/hider] [hider=Character Sheet (HUMAN)] [center][i]{PICTURE}[/i][/center] [b]Name:[/b] [b]Age:[/b] [b]Gender:[/b] ([b]Sexual Orientation[/b])[b]:[/b] [i](optional)[/i] [b]Occupation:[/b] [i](Medic, IT-specialist, behavioural specialist, etc...)[/i] [b]Personality:[/b] (A few short sentences about how they react in certain situations.) [b]Skills/Abilities:[/b] [i](Anything your character is exceptionally good at?)[/i] [b]Frailties:[/b] [i](Anything they're really, really bad at?)[/i] [b]Backstory:[/b] ([b]Former experience with Jurassic Park/World[/b])[b]:[/b] [i](NOT NECESSARY / IF EXISTING)[/i] [/hider] [hider=Character Sheet (DINOSAUR**)] [b]Name:[/b] (IF EXISTING/example: Blue, Delta, Echo,...) [b]Age:[/b] [b]Gender[/b] [b]Species:[/b] [i](Please keep it realistical, and well-working with a human group, depending on your plans with the dinosaur's purpose. If the dinosaur is supposed to accompany the group -- like Owen's raptors -- a Stegosaurus wouldn't be beneficial.)[/i] [b]Personality:[/b] (--See Humans--) [b]Backstory:[/b] [/hider] Open for questions!