Maggie helpfully tossed a datapad at Kal's face, trusting the supersoldier's reflexes to avoid a broken nose. "Read and weep," she said dryly. "Real boring stuff, just a pickup here, but the first person to say The Words Which Shall Not Be Spoken is getting a kick in the nuts." The phrase 'what's the worst that could happen?' had only been said once on the Audacia. Almost immediately after, several irreparable cascade failures had occurred and at least once crewman had died. The crew had a healthy suspicion of any phrases even vaguely similar ever since The Incident. She glanced around the table, counting off on her fingers. "Alright, so—Bolts is coming, Kal, that's you if you're in, do we even want Mallory to come, and me. Is that enough?" It was a genuine question—it wasn't like she'd had any experience putting together ground teams before. She was also a little desperate for someone else to take charge—she did NOT want the Captain's chair.