[b]"What was that?"[/b] His spell fizzled in his hands as he heard three thunks along the hull of the ship. He looked out of the porthole to see lines coming from the side of their ship towards another ship closeby, which meant... [b]"Damn it! We're getting attacked!"[/b] He spread his wings and hovered to an upright position. He hovered to the door and out of his hallway as suddenly a gunshot rang out through the hold, quickly followed by a shout he couldn't quite catch. Then the ship listed forward and sideways but since Gaon was flying it had no effect on him other than making the exit to the deck position itself right in front of him. He flew straight forward and he was out in the open air. [i]What the hell is going on?[/i] There was chaos on the deck, unsecured cargo falling overboard and the crew holding on for their lives. The Sundancer as he had learned it was called, was dipping rapidly, it looked like the captain wanted to drag the other ship to the ground. [i]I don't think normal gravity point will do.[/i] He closed his eyes and focused. When he opened them again, they were glowing and colors pulsated along his retina. He'd activated Anima Overflow. [i]I'll need to widen the range, ramp up the strength, duration should probably increase too...[/i] He thought, [i]Easy enough.[/i] The calculations were done, and he flew towards the other ship, stopping about halfway between the falling Sundancer and the enemy ship. He extended his finger and a single black point appeared above the Sundancer, and suddenly its descent slowed down to a crawl. [i]Good enough for now, as for the other one...[/i] He looked up towards the Enemy ship. A point appeared below the second ship, towards the bow. It was just about as strong as the Sundancer's point, but the enemy Airship was flying of its own power so just the Gravity point wouldn't be able to bring it down. [b]"Phew, alright. These should last."[/b] He said. His normal Gravity point only exerted enough force to match that of normal gravity, but airships were designed to overcome gravity so he needed something stronger, hence the use of Anima Overflow. But even then, it wasn't really enough. [b]"Let's raise the stakes a little bit."[/b] He said. He was sort of a bit far away from the other ship so he'd have to get closer. He stretched his wings out and he rocketed towards the enemy ship, charging a Lightning Bomb in his hands.