The door opened behind me,[i] Mio had arrived[/i]. "Watch," I responded to her, pointing to the TV. It was 1:29 p.m. The news tonight was a rapist who had raped a 17 year-old girl. He was on trial. The judge asked if he had anything to defend himself with, the rapist stood up, Screamed his confession, stole a gun off of a near by officer, held it to his temple, and pulled the trigger. At that moment chaos erupted in the court room, people screamed and fled the building. "It's disturbing," I said, "For the past 3 days, any criminal shown on TV between 10 a.m. and 12 midnight has died in some freak accident or a suicide. Its almost as if somebody is methodically killing them. It could be a coincidence but the timing and violent ways of death seem to be a connection."