As promised. [hider=Gaelic Grayeson] [center][URL=][IMG][/IMG][/URL][/center] [center][h1][u][b][color=6ecff6]First Lieutenant Gaelic "Grey Fox" Grayeson[/color][/b][/u][/h1][/center] [color=8dc73f]__________________________________________________________________________________________________________[/color] [color=6ecff6][b]Age:[/b][/color] 28 [color=6ecff6][b]Gender:[/b][/color] Male [color=6ecff6][b]Occupation:[/b][/color] Security Detachment-D Commander (formerly Critical Skills Operator). [color=6ecff6][b]Personality:[/b][/color] Gaelic employs a militaristic mindset in all things he does, giving him the appearance as distant and cold to his comrades. Though he appears as such, he does care for those under his charge and is willing to take another shift of duty in order to keep his "boys" personal lives better. He is straight forward with his thinking and is quite brilliant at holding back the "infected" when they try to breach the perimeter of the Safe Zone. Gaelic has been noted by his superiors and comrades with a reckless streak in the past, doing what could be potentially hazardous to his health in order to protect the people. [color=6ecff6][b]Weapon(s):[/b][/color] {Provided Below} 1.) M4A1 Assault Carbine; fires 5.56mm rounds from a 30-round magazine. // Equipped with suppressor, Rifle Combat Optic, and Foregrip. 2.) M45A1 CQB Pistol; fires .45ACP rounds from a 8-round clip. // Equipped with suppressor, tritium sights, and quick-catch lanyard. 3.) M67 Fragmentation Grenade; composite B explosive. 4.) OKC-3S Bayonet; high carbon steel blade with Dynaflex grip. [color=6ecff6][b]Item(s) of Note:[/b][/color] {Provided Below} 1.) Eagle Scalable Plate Carrier; ESAPI III plates on the front, back, and sides. // MOLLE stitching carrying magazine and grenade pouches. 2.) Mechanix Carbon-Reinforced Knuckle gloves. 3.) SERPA III Tactical Holster; strapped to the right leg with additional magazine pouches. 4.) Eagle Carbon Reinforced Elbow and Knee Pads. [color=6ecff6][b]Biography:[/b][/color] Gaelic was never a city boy, nor did he ever really develop a taste for the city. He enjoyed his rural upbringing in the southern United States, seeing it as a defining point in his life. Like every young boy in his hometown, he grew up with a profound respect for old mannerisms and respect for the military. His father in fact, was a Marine and served tours in Vietnam before being wounded and medically retired. The man taught his son at an early age that service to the nation and its people was the highest calling any citizen could ever do. And from that day on, he knew he would be a military member and serve like his father before him. After graduating high school, Gaelic and a few of his friends, immediately enlisted in the Marine Corps (not a surprise there) and asked for the combat arms occupations. Graduating boot camp and the School of Infantry, the young man eventually deployed to the Middle East and fought in both Afganistan and Iraq. It was during one rotation of deployments, he was approached by a screening team to see if he was "really ready" to serve his country. Given a brief explanation, he accepted the offer and reported for schooling in the Special Operations community. The training was no doubt tough, but he managed to survive and completed the training without a hiccup. Now a "Critical Skills" operator, Gaelic anticipated another deployment; but alas, was disappointed when both the wars were drawing to a close. But that didn't mean another conflict wasn't brewing, but he never expected it to turn into a global catastrophe. After the government fell and the world became silent, dealing with the troubles in their own ways; Gaelic reported to the last bastion of hope for Americans. Here, in Sector 88, he was made a security detachment commander and battle-promoted to lieutenant for the post. A few years passed and when everything started slowing down, Gaelic watched as the people he was protecting starting to turn on themselves. Food shortages were becoming more common, along with fresh water. The electricity was flickering for a time, but now was completely out; leaving only the burning of items to keep the light for the people. Seeing there was no alternative, his superiors asked him to be a part of a volunteer team to search for more supplies for those inside the zone. Without a second thought, he accepted the offer. [/hider]