Ruth picked her herself up off the class room floor looking around it didn't seem that anyone had noticed her fall over except the teacher making her feel a bit embarrassed. She heard the other teens talking about the noises coming from the vents. The noises were very annoying and it defiantly wasn't the usual creaks and groans that usually came from the vents. It sounded like something was stuck in the vents more than likely it was just a blockage or maybe some kids found someway into the vents and thought it was a good place to play. Ruth remembered when she used to mess around in the vents when she was younger and very bored. Suddenly Ruth was snapped out of her trail of thought hearing gun shots in the distance. Looking over she saw that other teens had heard the gun shots so Ruth knew she wasn't just hearing things. Standing still Ruth began thinking about why security would be shooting their guns off. Ruth became more concerned when she saw the security officers pass with guns drawn. Something serious was defiantly going down. Ruth was even beginning to panic a little hoping that her family was okay. Ruth didn't want to go home since no one was there and she didn't want to run into the thing that was being shot at and she defiantly didn't want to be left on her own of their was something dangerous out there. However the group that she had been watching didn't seem to share Ruth's fear of being alone as they had decided to leave probably going back to their homes. Ruth decided to ask the teacher if they new the results of her test to keep her mind occupied on something "teacher do you know what job I was assigned"? "Well Ruth it seems you have been assigned to Pest Control" the teacher said after rummaging through the test results on his computer. It took Ruth a few minutes for Ruth to figure out what she should do know as. It sounded like what ever security had been shooting at had been dealt with as she couldn't hear any gun fire so she wasn't as scared as she had been a few minutes ago. What ever had happened Ruth was sure it was taken care of. Thinking things through Ruth chose to check out where she would be working. Which was technically everywhere since the rats and mice seemed to be everywhere in the vault. Maybe her job would be fun she joked with herself as she walked down the corridor towards Mole Rat Storage which is where Pest Control stored their equipment. She noticed that Pest Control seemed to have a makeshift office. Clearly no one thought that anything but people would be living in vault. Walking up to the man behind the desk she asked him "excuse me I'm going to be working here and I was just wondering if I could pick up my equipment"? He looked up from his magazine and reached into his desk he pulled out a belt with several traps on it and what looked like a makeshift cattle prod. "What's this for" Ruth enquired picking up the makeshift cattle prod? "When the rats get cornered or they're hungry it's good for making them think twice about trying to bite you" he said lifting up his right hand showing a missing pinky finger. Ruth felt a bit sick thinking about it. Ruth decided to give her equipment a once over just to get used to it and kill some time.