And my character. Hope she's alright. [hider=Zoe Beach][b]Name:[/b] Zoe Beach [b]Age:[/b] 24 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Appearance:[/b] Average height and somewhat thin, but toned enough to be able to look out for herself. Fair skin, blue eyes, blonde hair that reaches to the middle of her back, typically kept in a ponytail. She commonly wears dark clothes, prefers tank tops, jeans, boots, gloves, sweater or jacket if needed. [url=]For reference.[/url] [b]Occupation:[/b] Laborer. Also an informant. [b]Personality:[/b] Good at heart, but not an idealist, so she sometimes gets trapped into looking out for herself when she might know doing something else is better morally. She has some self-esteem issues as a result, but she's good at hiding them. Her demeanor depends a lot on who is around. Alone, she's often quiet and contemplative. In groups, she can be lighthearted and socially functional, but she's a follower, not a leader. She doesn't consider many people true friends, but is compassionate towards those she does, even if she doesn't open up about everything to pretty much anyone. [b]Biography:[/b] Zoe was in her last years of university when everything began going wrong with the world, and at this point, she's starting to forget what it was like to function in a normal society. The one she lives in, the nightmare, has become the normal. She was from a pretty well-off family, and attending a university in Boston, but was in New York visiting her aunt and uncle when the attacks happened. Both of them were lost to the infection, leaving her on her own in the safe zone, where she was unable to reestablish contact with either her parents, or any of her friends outside of the city. As such, she's toughened up, and is used to looking out for herself, or doing whatever needs to be done to get others to look out [i]for[/i] her. For the most part, that means doing whatever is asked of her, to prove her worth. The safe zone doesn't really have room for the useless, and from her first day inside of it Zoe was determined to prove that word didn't apply to her. She's absorbed a number of random skills as a result, some of which are quite uncommon among the survivors. One of them involves lying, or rather, a willingness to dig out information, and then hand it to the people that have power over her. For the past six months, Zoe has entered into an agreement with a group of the safe zone's soldiers, to inform on the civilians inside, making them aware of any impending unrest, and the people responsible. Thus far, she hasn't had to report anything of interest, and has discreetly received some bonuses in the meantime, including ever valuable rations. She makes sure to keep them out of sight. [b]Weapons:[/b] Glock 17 pistol, untrained in its use. 2 spare magazines, a Marine Combat Knife, and a relatively small hatchet. [b]Items of Note:[/b] thigh holster, gloves, pack with modest food and water supplies, a few extra layers of clothing.[/hider]