[h1]Important NPCs[/h1] NPA Superintendent Soichiro Yagami Izanami the Shinigami [s]Lukas Conrad[/s] (First victim connected directly to Azrael) [hider=Mio Ozaki] [i]​Interpol Officer Application[/i] [b]Name[/b]: Mio Ozaki [b]Gender[/b]: Female [b]Age[/b]: 21 [b]History[/b]: Mio Ozaki grew up in the suburbs of southern Tokyo and attended a private academy that taught primary and secondary years in Hokkaido for privileged students where her mother, Ikimi Ozaki, works as a vice principal. For her valedictorian status, she excelled at the police academy where she was promoted by her father's boss at Interpol to be a field agent; Hiromo Ozaki is her father. [b]Description[/b]: She stands at 5'4" and weighs 112 pounds. Whether she is at work or not, she always seen with her blue headband and she will wear reading glasses if she needs to, especially going through paper work. Her Interpol attire is a neutral-colored Japanese sailor uniform and an a-line skirt with black-leather ankle boots with a holster strapped on her right thigh to carry her Glock 19. [img]http://i.imgur.com/xpu1I8B.png[/img] [b]Personality[/b]: She very well-mannered, soft-spoken, and notably prestigious which she dislikes because it intimidates other people from befriending her so she is always being as overtly polite as she can be to show others that she is not her occupation but a good person at heart too. [b]Specialization[/b]: Because of her recognition and applied skill set, she is assigned to be L Lawliet's personal assistant and bodyguard. When L asks, she gives her opinions on his consultations. [b]Other[/b]: Although she has always had it nearly perfect, Mio wishes that she could become a housewife and have children as well as quitting Interpol soon so she can open up her own spa at her hometown. [/hider] Ezerion the Shinigami Light Yagami Chernabog the Shinigami