The barmaid took notice of Sana and sauntered over to the table quickly. She was your typical bar maid; young, buxom and looking far older than she should have. Too many nights in a tavern having to deal with drunk and nondrunken idiots alike. "What can I get for you doll?" she asked in an all too forced cheery voice. Sana sighed and leaned in slightly, motioning the barmaid to come closer. She did. "Listen, I don't care what mood you have to play with these fools but do me a favor and drop the act," she said quietly. The barmaid looked at her quizzically for a moment before a genuine smile came across her lips. "Oh God, thank you," she said as she drew a long breath. "What can I get for you?" she repeated in a much more exhausted voice. "What ever is fastest and some water." "No ale or the like?" "Have you seen the group I am with?" she asked quickly and with perfect timing as the other human in the group managed to turn the stool into kindling. The barmaid quickly stifled a laugh and nodded. "Right," she quipped before turning quickly to take care of the order. As Sana waited for her food she rocked back and forth in her chair slowly, watching each member of the group in turn. When her eyes fell on the newest arrive she froze. [i]He thinks he's a dragon? You've got to be kidding me.[/i] Reaching down She made sure to tighten the knots on her money pouch. This was not gearing up to a hopeful mission. The barmaid quickly came back over and dropped off Sanas food and drink. Sana nodded and handed the girl some silver coins, shaking her head as the girl tried to tell her it was too much and going about eating her meal. She had seen what tavern life could do to a girl, sometimes you have to give someone a break. Hearing the comment made by Virus, Sana stopped eating and wiped her mouth before shouting over in that direction. "One, I ain't cocky. Two, you haven't exactly proved you're useful yet. Three, we'll have who ever in the party that's willing to deal with your attitude." Sana rolled her eyes slightly and signed. She wasn't one that was normally so vocal but she just couldn't stand cockiness, ego, or demoralizing nature in people. She rubbed her temples for a moment before she went back to eating. She has seen orc crap fights that were more organised than this group was adding up to be.