[b]Name:[/b] John White [img]https://frackmyoldboots.files.wordpress.com/2014/05/20140518-143055.jpg[/img] [b]Age:[/b] 56 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Sexual Orientation:[/b] Heterosexual [b]Occupation:[/b] JW Genetic Scientist [b]Personality:[/b] John is usually a very serious, patient, and straight-forward man in his work as a genetic scientist. Yet he is a kind person at heart and is also very generous towards others, especially with children. He is also incredibly smart. This also relates that he is a family man, often going back to San Francisco to visit his wife and child during his vacation times. He can also be very stubborn with his ideas. [b]Skills/Abilities:[/b] [list] [*] [b]Geneticist:[/b] John is highly experienced in genetics and had worked on the infamous Indominus Rex for a while until changing his view on the hybrid... [*] [b]Intelligent:[/b] With his knowledge in genetics, he is also very smart, and can solve many different kinds of problems. He also knows a lot about the dinosaurs. [*] [b]Hard-Working:[/b] As said before, he takes his job seriously, and will not rest until the project is done. Sometimes he skips a night of sleep... [/list] [b]Frailties:[/b] [list] [*] [b]Stubborn:[/b] At times he can be very stubborn with his thoughts and beliefs, which at one time he took it to the extreme... [/list] [b]Backstory:[/b] John White was born in Ohio on May 7th, 1959. He lived a rather normal life and was an excellent student at school. He was always interested in science, especially in genetics, and began studying that science major at the Ohio Institute of Technology. While working there, he had made good friends with another scientist named Henry Wu. Both received PhDs in genetics, but went different paths. While John moved to California in 1990 to work for Genentech Co, Dr. Wu went to work with InGen Co to work on Jurassic Park. The two hadn't heard or seen each other until 2005, where the two had met on the opening of Jurassic World. They then began to work side by side with creating dinosaurs and experience other genetic accomplishments. John was promoted just below Wu, but none of the less he continued to work hard and proud. He also took part of creating the Indominus Rex, but after its creation, he changed his mind on the whole endeavor. Fearing that the Indominus Rex will become a major threat to the park, he tried to convince Wu in trying to kill it and create perhaps a more stable creature, or to scrap hybrids all together. However, Wu refused both ideas and after a bitter argument John left the office disappointed. A few days before the events of Jurassic World, with rumors of InGen coming to the park, John feared the worse and left Jurassic World for a "vacation". Several months after, InGen contacted John to help rebuild Jurassic World. While hesitant at first, he cautiously came back to help rebuild. Why did he come back exactly? he doesn't know himself. But surely they should learn from their mistakes right...? [b](Former experience with Jurassic Park/World):[/b] As said before, he's a Geneticist.