"Out of booze," Mattie echoed grimly. This made the situation really dire. "Shit." She observed the events in front of her unfold in near-complete silence. Everything was crumbling in front of her. [i]Leave the baby. Leave Nicholas. Leave Jacob. Find some supplies and hole up a while.[/i] She fought the commanding voice in her head, hating that it was her own thought. She couldn't go. They needed her. For what? Changing Cole's diapers? Repopulating the planet? Like hell. [i]Maybe once he dies. I'll slip away in the night.[/i] No no no, she couldn't think like that. Stop it! The nail had really hit home now. Mattie had allowed this to happen. Mattie had let down two brothers and a friend. [i]Stop. Think.[/i] "Maybe we should tie him up. In case...you know. And cover his mouth." It seemed so barbaric, but right now Nicholas' saliva was probably brimming with infection. Ready to jump into whoever's flesh his teeth tore into. She sifted through the backpacks for rope and found a length enough for his wrists. [i]Forgive me.[/i] She approached him like a rabid animal: slowly, carefully, no sudden movements. His eyes were still Nicholas, still [i]human,[/i] but Mattie was scared. Any minute he could foam at the mouth and chomp-chomp.