Emma, as they walked through the hall, kept her head away from the glares of the inhabitants of the place, a feeling of unease drifting through her being, sensing judgement. People cast stares their way and Emma had to face straight forward after keeping her head down for a moment, just to not make eye contact. Eye contact was another thing she was crap at. The joke from one of the guys was not lightening the mood, and the reply didn't help either. "...What do you me-..." She was cut off as they arrived at the room, her gaze drifting across it, lips slightly parted. They had went from an airport terminal to a huge underground area, the place buzzing with people their age and maybe older. This was strange, but she had to focus on the task at hand. That task was to not be [i]completely[/i] confused and slightly paranoid. As they moved into the room, Emma went to take her place in the lower middle section of the table. Her eyes scanned the people now sitting down, her jade gaze fixed on no one in particular, until the man started talking.