Kijani stopped short in the doorway. "She said... what? That doesn't... make any sense. The school is built to contain students with low control. Students with powers that dangerous wouldn't be housed near the others. Not without protection." She stepped into the room, then, looking at Flood and nodding politely. Taking a look at the situation, him with a blade at some strange woman's neck, she smiled faintly. Not a moment lost. "Need a hand, Flood?" A touch of her power summoned a sheaf of papers into her hand, and she pressed one onto the woman's skin, hovering above the beating pulse of her artery. "I suggest you stay calm, Miss. I wouldn't want you to startle me. There could be an accident." Without taking her gaze from the subject, she spoke. "Hey Connor, who is this, anyway?" -- Kassy smiled as Harry entered the kitchen. She couldn't see his face, but she knew his walk and the way he sort of hunched into himself. "Hi, Harry. Have a sandwich! There are plenty. Ham, ham and cheese, turkey and cheese, roast beef, fish, I even made egg sandwiches." She flashed him a bright, downright cheerful smile. "An army moves on it's belly, after all. We can't start healing without food. Eat!" She moved from the stove momentarily, to set a large pitcher of what looked like water with orange slices. "And drink."