[h3]Lady Lobo - Stark Lab[/h3][@Caits][@floodtalon] Eyes the blade for a moment. "Don't wave that thing around. You could poke someone's eye out." Apparently they both wanted some kind of an answer even though Connor went straight to his phone. "[color=lightblue]Well Like I said before I came to collect DNA samples. So I was keeping an eye on the place from orbit when it went boom. It was awesome! Or, no it wasn't. The explosion was cool. Uh, there were three explosions. They didn't seem all that well placed to be though since the underground survived. Maybe they were hoping for the best.[/color]" The alien shrugged a bit. Taking a breath she seemed to have an idea and her face lit up. "[color=lightblue]Hey I have an idea. How about if I help you figure out what happened then you can get me some of those samples I want? Do little trading hm? What do you say?[/color]" [hr] [h3]Kagerou - Kat's House[/h3][@Klyix][@Mistress Dizzy] Kat's words were definitely true. Shaking her head softly Kagerou relented. "[color=plum]You're right. We need to figure out what happened first. Someone is playing games in the wake of this tragedy[/color]" Things were getting pretty crazy. The smell of food began to work its way through the house. Taking a step back from her thoughts she relaxed a bit. "[color=plum]Alright. I think I'm going to take a break. Get something to eat. Even if I don't need it. Thank you for letting me know about the message.[/color]" Heading out Kagerou went to the kitchen where she found Kassy cooking. "[color=plum]Kassy, it smells great. I didn't know you could cook.[/color]" Walking over she took a closer look at what was being made. [hr] [h3]June - AIM Facility[/h3][@Caits][@Eviledd1984] Wondering how much everyone was listening she glanced at the group. "[color=green]The ones in the hazmat suits will not be affected by the gas. The rest will though.[/color]" Kalinda opened the door and allowed them in. Going silent June walked in with the others and nodded to Kalinda. "[color=green]Good job. That's much easier.[/color]" About the same time Nicholas noticed the lab coats in the break room June phased through the wall and grabbed one of the men from behind, cracking his head against the wall. Before the others could react she punched one out and kicked the other in the back of the head. Quick work was made of the unsuspecting men. "[color=green]Room's clear.[/color]" She began checking their pockets and got anything useful and pulled some key cards off them. "[color=green]And here's our tickets into the rest of the facility.[/color]" Handing them out to each of them June shut the door.