Gus had been vibrating with excitement for the past half hour, so to prevent himself from 'messing with the radio' he'd taken his wrist-com off and put it on the other side of the room so he could actually get some work done. So when the call finally came he somewhat over-reacted, lunging for his wrist com while already strapped into his chair and ending up an increasingly difficult battle to get the thing unlatched. The seatbelts were designed to keep them strapped in while experiencing extreme turbulence, so his exuberant thrashing only made the thing tighten its hold on him until he managed to find the release button. Finally though the contraption reluctantly let him go and he snatched up the coms. "Ah! Yes! Hello! Doctor Angus Sorley checking in!" He practically chirped, his enthusiasm bleeding painfully into his speech and destroying all evidence of the professionalism that had been ground into him during training, "Medi Bay's fully stocked, and everyone is in full health and tiptop ship-shape. So we better do this thing now, before [i]somebody[/i] comes down with a cold."