Nearby, her leather armor barely shielding her from the cold, Alina fumbled nervously with the flyer in her hands. Having spotted the Quilava she had been instructed to meet, as well as a Bagon that appeared to be doing the same. She gave the flyer one last look over, but this only proved to make her more nervous. Having reinforced the fact that she had no idea what any of it meant and had only her commander's instructions to go by. As she approached, her eyes fell upon the Mark of Anhara on the Quilava's chest, which gave her a bit more confidence in what she was doing. Once she was noticed by him however, her nerves got the better of her again and she hid her face behind the flyer. Slowly lifting her face up, she tried to remember how to talk again. Avoiding glancing to the stern looking Bagon beside her lest she completely freeze up from that, not that the frigid morning air hadn't almost done so already. "U-um, hello. M-my name's Alina" She began to stutter, weakly holding the flyer out to the Quilava. "My commander saw this and, um, and he told me...Told me to come with you on your expedition. He said I'd be more useful [sub]with you than I would be here-[/sub]" Her sentence trailed off into silence as she tried to keep eye contact, resisting the urge to just stare down at the ground.