I sat staring at the TV, wondering how it could be possible to kill somebody from a distance without projectiles, and even causing suicide. "Mio, I want you to grab the stack of papers on the dining room table," I said, first pointing to the dining room section of the hotel room then turning to face my assistant. "Analyze how the criminals died, how their crimes were reported, and the time of day they died. Once you've done that come back here and tell me your results and any correlation you find. But first, come over here." I got up, strode over to the Desktop computer that I had haphazardly set up on the floor of the room, and sat in my usual position with my usual position with my knees to my chest. I opened up my E-Mail that I had given Interpol to contact me from if anything required my attention. "Look," I said, pointing to the screen, "Interpol has taken notice and is holding a Conference in the Tokyo Convention Center this Tuesday, in exactly 2 days. If you don't mind, I would like to ask you to attend on my behalf, bring your laptop. Keep me posted on what's said there. Also plan to be moving Hotels every week, on Wednesdays." [hr] ~GAME MASTER~ The blonde (currently a dyed Brunette) sat in her bedroom, watching the news as Lukas Conrad committed suicide on national tevivision. She gasped as the bang of the gunshot rang in her ears. This had been hapening every day between 10 and midnight, criminals died in various ways because of what they did, honestly, she believed they all deserved it. Crimes that had stood out so far to her were; Rape, Murder, and Attempted Murder. [i]Almost everybody who died would have been put to death had the justice system goten them, so why was it wrong to make it quicker[/i], she thought, [i]I respect whoever has decided to do this.[/i]