[img]http://31.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lxayb3FPZ41r9zikio2_500.gif[/img] [b][color=#2E64FE]Name:[/color][/b] Edwind Chamera [b][color=#2E64FE]Age:[/color][/b] 23 [b][color=#2E64FE]Appearance:[/color][/b] A scar that runs across his left eye, various scars from different events during the apocalypse. Noticeable emerald green eyes, as if it can pierce right through you. A stoic and hardened face is what always lies on his neutral face. [b][color=#2E64FE]Personality:[/color][/b] Before the apocalypse, Edwind was a kind and rather over-trusting individual that put alot of faith on most of his friends and sometimes even people he didn't know well. He had a great outlook on life and strong general faith on humanity itself. He was sociable and friendly around people and loved to party like normal teenagers. After the undead broke out, he had noticed the more dark and cruel side of humanity, his outlook had greatly been scarred greatly twisting his personality and becoming cold and distant to people. He had seen their backstabbing and greedy nature, only trying to save their own hide and not care about people. Due to these events, he tries to avoid people, and in the rare event that he does he seldom place any trust with them and only works to the end of their 'deal'. He now has a disgusted outlook on life. Underneath, his old personality occasionally shines through sometimes, trying to help out people he himself had deemed innocent and in need of helping. [b][color=#2E64FE]Bio:[/color][/b] Before the start of the apocalypse, he was a university student who was relatively average with a special interest in History and Sciences, attaining high marks in both as was his special interest. He had alot of 'friends', people who were superficially friends with him. During the outbreak itself, his so called friends abandoned him for dead, opting to take the females rather than Edwind and leaving him for dead. This is what started his personality to twist and turn for the worse. As the bus drove away, it was overrun by zombies and soon just stopped running altogether and the undead poured in the bus, to which Edwind felt satisfaction and luck. Betrayed, Beaten and Battered, he stepped aback, and through a streak of luck he had managed to barely escape alive, albeit a few scars here and there. Post Apocalypse had hardened his outlook further, with all the backstabbing and greed that ran amok. He had preferred to stay solo, as he could only rely on himself. His solo way of living had almost gotten himself killed alot of times, developing his sense of danger and tactics. His Lone wolf nature would have gone unperturbed, had it not for this girl he found, and begrudgingly took under his wing, seeing as she wasn't yet tainted by the grasp of the world. [b][color=#2E64FE]Other:[/color][/b] ~Collects books, and reads in his downtime. ~Trained in Hand to hand combat before the apocalypse, like Karate, Krav Maga and Taekwondo