Suto had really wanted to avoid the jerk that was flirting with Yari, but he seemed to stick to them like flies to honey and not give up. Honestly, it was like he was trying to be a pest simply for the sake of it now, and so far it was working. All he wanted was to come out and party, that was it. Instead of having a good time he was now playing keeper to his drunken friend, trying to keep some seedy jerk from getting his filthy hands on her. Having sorted to go off to a table away from the excitement, and from the noise of the duel breaking out, Suto had hoped by finding an isolated spot Doku would leave. Much to his chagrin when he and his friends sat down the brunette was still very much with them, wearing an aggravating smirk as he stood there. Seeing no chance of dumping the guy he let out a sigh, moving his chair close to Yari possessively as Doku sat across from them. "Just can it and eat buddy, got it?" the martial artist said firmly, narrowing his eyes before beginning to dig into his own meal. "So rude... All I do is compliment your friend here and you treat me like I'm scum," Doku teased, feigning being offended as he placed a hand on his chest, "I assure you, my flirting is completely innocent." As if, he was having fun and most certainly looking to provoke Suto. The other boy was rather quiet in regards to what all was going on, almost seeming like he didn't even want to be here. Fine by him, though soon as the brunette found out what made the white-haired boy tick he'd be prodding at him as well. Though the meal had begun in silence, drama quickly began to unfold again once Doku began speaking with Yari. As fully expected Suto took exception to it, particularly when some more personal comments were made considering his friend's appearance. By the time Titus had come around to join them, Suto was looking rather annoyed and ready to start swinging. Hoping to avoid causing a scene Suto started to get up from the table, trying to take Yari with him only to stop when their new acquaintance came over. "Huh...? She and I are leaving, that's where we're going," Suto responded, reaching out and grabbing Yari's hand. Hearing Titus tell him it should be her choice he narrowed his eyes, hardly in the mood for someone to be preaching to him; Yari was drunk, leaving any decision up to her right now was hardly the best idea. So far she'd been either ignoring or putting down Doku's advances, but part of him worried if she'd keep it up forever. His face flushed in embarrassment when Minerva was brought into the conversation, loathing that his infatuation with the woman had been so obvious. Giving Titus a dirty look, Suto finally sat back down with a huff, crossing his arms over his chest and looking away from the group childishly as he resigned himself to remain. Doku only vaguely recognized the newcomer, having seen him here and there on occasion. Titus, was it? One of the Clearers as he recalled, and evidently a party lover as well. Smirking when the redhead began to preach to him he simply sat through it all, and once it was aid and done he gave Titus a slow, patronizing clap. "Well done, well done. I see you remembered your shining armor today!" he taunted, grinning as he leaned back in his seat, draping one arm over the back of it, "Insecurity, hm? An insecure man doesn't stride up to every beautiful woman he sees and try to flirt with her, an insecure man watches from the sidelines, and becomes a bumbling mess whenever a focus of his affection comes near," Doku retorted, his gaze shifting temporarily to Suto before glancing back at Titus, "And for someone who just said that the lady should make her decision, funny how you say now she doesn't count. So which is it, is she allowed to have a voice and decide, or does she not?" He had nothing to gain or lose here, it was more simply having fun provoking others and seeing how far he could get with it. Not expecting Yari to speak up, the brunette glanced over and raised an eyebrow when she spoke, having to suppress a snicker as she butchered the Japanese language in one fell swoop. "Of course not my dear, if I was I'd have simply taken you away. All I'm trying to do is chat with you, that's all my intentions have been. It wounds me to hear you think that though." Suto was really not wanting to hear a single word come out of Doku's mouth at this point, and hearing him refer to Yari as 'my dear' was pushing it too far. Standing up and knocking his chair back he frowned at the other boy, clenching his hands into fists angrily at his sides. "Hey, how about you shut it with flirting, alright? She's not interested, even when she's drunk, so give it up creep! Otherwise I'll beat you senseless," he threatened, really wanting to just strike out and give the guy a good whack, even if it wouldn't work. Seeing someone coming up behind Titus and Doku he shifted his gaze, blushing awkwardly seeing Alphard and Kenshin coming to join them. It had been a long while, that was for sure, and they had just seen one of his very rare angry outbursts. Smiling awkwardly he sat back down, standing up a second later as he wasn't sure what to do with himself, waving to the pair, "Yeah we know them, they're friends of ours. Uh... Hey guys!" Alphard and Kenshin weren't the only ones out looking for friends in the crowd. A brunette girl was cutting through the swathes of partygoers, donning a brown leather vest with the zipper partway down, a knee length skirt of matching color, black sandals and a red band tied around her left arm. A scowl of pure annoyance sat upon her face as she pushed people aside, grumbling beneath her breath as she moved along. "Leave me all alone will you... Think I won't notice..." She had wanted to go to the party as well, but the others had all vanished and gone without her. At least she assumed they had, no one was around when she got back earlier. It didn't take her terribly long to come across everyone either, spotting Suto from a fair distance and Yari at his side, then Nero, Kenshin and Alphard quickly after. Storming over to the table where they were gathered she glared at everyone, placing her hands on her hips as she cleared her throat loudly. "So... Was anyone going to tell me we were going out to party?"