[color=9e0b0f][i][h1]Dominique[/h1][/i][/color] [color=gray]"Alright! Alright. Taco Bell it is." he let out an audible, distressed sigh as he slipped the phone back into his jacket. Breathing in the freshness of the mountain air, he decided what was to be done next. The roads were bare that night, with the occasional loading truck making its rounds around the area. Perfect to slip away unnoticed. Although, the demon was still conflicted as to where he was meant to go in order to find the nearest Taco Bell, so he waited. An idea began to unravel once he noticed a distant light inching closer to where he stood. On the side of the road, he paced back and forth until the truck came by at an alarming speed. Dom paid no attention to its acceleration and proceeded to step in front of the truck's route with arms held high.[/color] "HEY!" [color=gray]with a fraction of time to react, the driver had only managed to slam the breaks once the vehicle fully collided with the demon. He was convinced he broke the young man, but Dom planted his feet firmly into the ground, allowing the truck to skid along with the demon for a single second. The brunette swung around the corner, climbed onto the footstep of the truck and popped his head into the window, greeted by a jarred driver with a rosary clutched tightly in both hands. The man's entire frame shook, as Dom laughed at the expression on his face.[/color] "H-how are you--" "Oh, well... fit, able-bodied young men like me can do wonders." [color=gray]he snorted. He gave the plump driver a once-over with a slight smirk,[/color] "...but I'm sure you wouldn't understand." "Excuse m-m--" [color=gray]With a rough jerk, the driver had his throat gripped tight by the unscathed demon within a fraction of a second. [/color]"Tell me where the closest Taco Bell is. If you hurry, I'll leave you in one piece for your family." [color=gray]The bearded man's eyes darted across and back as he struggled to breathe and get the words out. With a glance to his side and a fleeting breath, he finally stuck an arm out, pointing right ahead to indicate the location of the demon's destination. Dom allowed the darkness of his nature to cloud his eyes, revealing to the middle-aged man who his assailant was. This delighted him, as he knew this would be the driver's last image. A quick swipe sounded in the air, as an array of dark crimson spurted from the man's severed jugular which stained the dashboard and windows. An expression of agony flashed across the man's face, pleading eyes locked with Dom's own pitch-dark pair.[/color] "I only said I'd leave you in one piece."[color=gray] Dom whispered whilst the life left the driver's eyes.[/color] [color=gray] This was his queue to make a break for it. Starting off with a jog, followed by a full-on sprint, Dom was happy with how productive that night turned out to be. Normally he would have had more time with the driver, but he figured he could have easily done the same thing some other night. Besides, he had a plan to unfurl with his buddy, so once that's done, mass killings would be a total breeze for him and the rest of the demon population. The moon shone its light high in the sky, which relieved him, knowing he still had enough time to make it before sunrise. Dominique reached the tiny town, or rather, a mass of shacks and a couple of shabby restaurants within the next minute. He switched back to his meatsuit's original eye color and scouted the area for the Mexican joint. A glint of pink and purple just around the corner had him hyped, but not for the food of course. He casually crossed the intersection before he noticed two men flashing from one point to another within the blink of an eye. The demon's eyes widened as he quickened his pace. The young man stepped into the restaurant and noticed the presence of more than one paranormal entities in the area. Four, to be exact. Inwardly cursing at Paimon's favorite restaurant, he took a seat right next to the door and scanned the room to follow the unfamiliar scent. Dom realized there was another demon present, a lady to be sure. Two strangers approached her, and Dom wasn't sure whether they were hostile or not. Another 'man' had just taken a seat across the diner, from where Dominique sat. The smell emanating from him started to grow familiar as his dread rose. Regardless, he waited in silence to watch the events unfold as he impatiently waited for his friend, and anxiously hoped that the 'miracle-workers' outside didn't notice him.[/color]