Khat climbed up a bookshelf and sat on top, looking down at the suddenly shorter man, "My name is Khat," she hissed down, trying to be quiet but still audible, "What of it?" she scanned the man with a scrutinizing eye, he wore little armor and didn't even carry a weapon, 'what kind of adventurer is this guy?' she thought to herself. Standing up, Khat leapt to the other bookshelf, landing with a gentle tap as opposed to a clumsy thud. "Are you Vis' friend?" she asked. Vis bundled up Suki, throwing her roughly over his shoulder, "if ye artheholes find any more prisoners, 'ow about lockin'em up inthead of trying' tha rape'em?" he walked off back in the in the opposite direction he came in, as if he were going to the center of town, however when he was out of sight he looped around the long way, heading back to the bookstore where he had hid Separ and Khat.