[b][color=FF1493] "All the males that I know seem to think that all a female is good for is to cook and clean unless she to keep his bed warm which I will not do. I am reading a new book about magic and a girl who discovered the magic source. Wouldn't it be cool to have magic ability?" [/color][/b] Bessie gave up on reading her and put a bookmark in her book. She carefully put her book in the duffle bag. She looked towards Uriko and frowned. [b][color=FF1493] "Uriko, what do you mean by 'bend the rule'? I never ever even dreamed of breaking a rule or bending one..... I have no clue as to ..... shape one of them into a proper husband. That sounds like I am training a puppy or something." [/color][/b]Bessie spoke in a puzzled voice. [b][color=FF1493]"By the time a person gets our age, I would think that the person would all ready be set in their ways. If that is true then someone would not change his or her ways. That is my opinion."[/color][/b]