"It's wrong because most people don't [i]want[/i] to be eaten," she answered, dipping a fry in ketchup before popping it into her mouth. "And since there's no need to eat them, we shouldn't do it." Sarah continued to regard her curiously, the shock of the question having passed. A woman who'd just spontaneously appeared in her life who happened to be the daughter of Satan, and yet here they were carrying on a casual (if somewhat disturbing) conversation and sharing a simple meal together. The thought made her smile, if only for the complete weirdness of it all. Sarah followed Nefas's gaze to the group in the corner. When she saw them, she frowned as well. "P.K.A.," she explained. "Phi Kappa Alpha, our campus's biggest fraternity." She realized Nefas might not know that word, so she went into detail. "A fraternity is like a large group of guys who hang out a lot and do things like parties and drinking. Most of them aren't bad, but these guys are..." She searched for a term. "[i]less restrained[/i] than the others. They do things like this all the time. Just ignore them."