Chakan took one look at the Bonelord. "Bancrul... Is this some kind of a joke? Very well then, Darko. Throw whatever useless minions you want to be rid of before me and they will be destroyed. I'll waste every single one of them. Nothing is standing in my way." Chakan watched, unimpressed, as Bancrul slammed down his immense hammer. Certainly, he was great at splattering a dead horse, but to Chakan, the Bonelord was slow and witless. His strength would never get a chance to be used. She raised her swords and approached, discovering new strength and ease in her movements. She drew close enough to entice Bancrul into thinking he had a shot, and when he wound up for a swing, she attacked. There was no point in drawing this out. The elation that she might finally be close to getting her undying wish fueled her motivation. She closed inside the range of the hammer, nullifying its threat and infuriating the Bonelord. He'd have to abandon his grip and fight her with mere fists. On the way in, she furiously bashed his elbows with one blade, disrupting him, and then thrust her other blade through his skull mouth. Bancrul of course would not be killed by this. He was undead himself. He punched her in the ribs and then grabbed her chest, squeezing from both sides to crush her. Her new armor provided substantial protection, but she had to finish him fast. Feeling the gift of power within her and trusting in her newly fortified weapons, she shouted a battlecry and struck with her free weapon, scissoring down the other blade to decapitate Bancrul at the jaw. Her swords had cut through bone and metal together, yet were completely undamaged. The Bonelord fell over backward as she stood over him. Chakan huffed and said somewhat sarcastically, "Will there be any further testing, master?"