[center][hider=Arguis Escre Collab][img]http://mayhemandmuse.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/A-fantasy-Photoshop-painting-in-which-a-boy-plays-chess-with-mice-while-confetti-and-streamers-fall.jpg[/img] [b]Name:[/b] Arguis [i]Might[/i] 10 Might/ 1 FreePoint [i]Level[/i] 4 [b]Domains/Portfolios:[/b] Knowledge (Nigh Omniscience) [b]Musical Theme:[/b] Normal: [url=https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=bbWwU6S7WSg]Feather[/url] War Theme: [url=https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=uu94eOQqYP4]Enfin Apparu[/url][/hider] [hider=Summary] - Quay Visited by gods. -Given a Lance and Soul Weaving -Journeys to set location to meat party. -Gets ready to leave for Summit. [/hider][/center] Just after dawn, Quay Dusis, strode through the airy curtains that covered the simeirculur balcony of grey, and looked over the Palace Hills. Despite the Duisisian Kingdom only being established for 30 years, corruption already began to run rampant. Quays' father, King Le'zie Dusis, was caught in a trap ten years in the making. The Counsel of 6 conspired against his father, slandering his name. Within days it seemed, the whole Kingdom was rioting against the rule of his father. It would not be long before the Counsel found away to force him off the throne for good, once they got rid of him, the royal family would be next. And the only think his father could say when he told him of this, "I can only send you." This was not all that left Quay in such a somber mood. The memory of his dream filled his mind. He had seen Dusis in flames, smelled of soot and blood and fire, he heard his people wailing in terror and pain. Ribbon of black shadows hung in the air like a thick cloud, they all smiled a tigers grin, all at the same time, in unison they proclaimed, "I am coming." He had then woken to the news that the Cimexian Armies had been mobilized. A curtain if rain swept toward him from across the river. Fresh, clean rain. Not to heavy, not yet. He welcomed the first drops as they hit his skin, then retreated into the shelter of the balcony arch. He stood, and he watched, and he waited. What he was about to do would be difficult. The kindness in him, the warmth, would have to be kept under lock, in order to better serve the greater good. It would not be plesent, but he would do it. His father would be to preoccupied with trying to stop the civil war going on at home, not the Cimex. He would be strong, he would be cold, he would be hard. His journey would begin soon enough, as a prince unfortunately, he had other duties to attend to. For once thought he would ignore his job, tomorrow, the real work would be done. Quay took this opportunity to sleep, he prayed to the Ones Above, pleading with them to allow him to sleep dream free, unfortunately it seemed that they had other plans for him. As soon a Quay closed his eyes, he found himself in another room. It was a simple one, 4 walls draped with thick black curtains the pooled onto the floor, black and white porcelain tile floors, and one window, with the rays of the sun shining through it. He was in a wooden mahogany seat, with a red velvet cushion, in front of him as a small table, one with a game of chess ready to be played on it. Sitting across from him with his legs crossed was a human boy, in his teens it seemed. He wore a black shirt with black trousers, his hair was upturned and was as black as his attire. Quay kept quiet, for he had heard of gods visiting Uri in their dreams, even his father boasted of such dealings. Arguis gazed at the Prince of Dusis, the one named Quay. Despite being relatively small compared to the rest of his kind, he carried the air of royalty. He looked comfortable in his own skin, confident, strong in a way that had nothing to do with muscles. "I'm glad you came." Quay said. Arguis was surprised, despite being in the presence of a god, he was still free with himself, that impressed him. "Last night, the Cimex declared war in all races of Galbar." Quay said as his eyes glittered. "Not only that, my father has fallen into a trap, the Consul will soon close in on him." The Princes shoulder were pulled taut in a way that mad him look bigger and thicker than he was. His back was straight as a rod. He looked cold, hard, mean. The god sighed, he knew of all this, he was the god of Knowledge, he saw the path that this time line would drag the people of Galbar into. "You do have a dilemma, but it seems you are determined to save your kingdom." Arguis said glancing down at the chess board. "Here, if you are going to fight for you Kingdom, then I'll give you the necessary tools to do it. Arguis summoned a[url=http://www.millenium.org/upload/arme_lance_i.jpg]Lance[/url] to his hand. Quay accepted the Lance kneeling down. It felt right in his hands, as if it belonged there since his birth. He felt the power vibrating from the core of the blade, it was a powerful weapon indeed. "It's name is Trucidator, handle it with care, for it is capable killing a demigod when wielded correctly." Arguis warned. "I understand." Quay said simply, bowing once again in respect. "That is all I can give you, my your journey prove fruitful." Arguis said, and with that he dissaperaed. Despite that, the dream did not, for next appeared a cloaked revenant, hooded, and with pale and unblinking eyes. Its right arm a mere sleeve, and its left a construct of black metal, the ghostly being spoke, [i][color=C0C0C0]"Greetings, Dusis Prince. Through the eyes of those without faces, I have been watching. The Uri please me, far more so than the now defunct Dyun, or the dastardly Cimex. And yet, they stand on calamity's brink. To fight among yourselves means to deprive the alliances of order the power they need to eliminate the insect empire. Though in calmer times I would allow the foolishness of the Uri to be their undoing, to let you to drift into the void means the end of the world's balance. Thus, I, too, come bearing a gift."[/color][/i] Escre softly pushed aside its robe, revealing a small, fist-sized hand lantern hanging at its belt. Compared to the contraption usually carried by the Great Spirit, this little device was no great shakes, but fitting, perhaps, for a mortal. Escre removed the hand lantern and floated it over to the Uri prince. [i][color=C0C0C0]"With this semblance of my power by your side, you will be able to draw from the planet's core and the home of spirits, and weave those departed souls into powerful magics. At your bidding, images of warriors and beings fallen may rise to fight at your side, and so relive their glory. Other ways may occur to you, for your imagination towers above that of a mere outside presence like myself. Soon, you, too, will awaken from this peaceable dream, and be thrust into a cruel wakefulness that without your aid will become the true nightmare."[/color][/i] With that, all dissaperaed, everything melted into any inky darkness before his eyes snapped open. Just as he awoke the solar door opened, a white mustached male Uri walked through the door wearing a plumed helmet. "Beg you pardon, my Prince..." the guard began. "I know." said Quay. "My father will need you more today." The guards eyes narrowed. "My prince-" "I'll be fine." Quay said, getting out of bed only to give the guard a reassuring shoulder shake. "Trust me." The guard stared at him a moment longer, then bowed. "Yes, my prince." He said. The old man withdrew, and Quay heard him talking to another guard as their footsteps moved down the hall. [i]Yes, my prince[/i], he'd say. He always did. Quay closed his eyes for a few second, and as if that itself changed him, saw saw differently. As he opened his eyes he saw the River of Souls. The every flowing torrent of Souls that flowed down to the Astral Home itself. The souls gather around him, twisting and turning around his body. He could feel their desire to help him, to be of service, their power was so much it made his teeth chatter. Quay walked over to his balcony, keeping his sight in the River of Souls. To his surprise, he could see the eddy of other Soul weavers, a torrent of Souls spinning around their body's, ready to be used. He counted 9 in total, with him that made ten. Quay made a call through the River, and the souls carried his message, "I am a receiver, just like you, cone to the Kings Glave, a place were we can speak." Quay looked across the Palace Hills, his lips drawn thin, today he would leave for the summit, but with the Soul Weavers that had been born. He took of his Princely garments, and replaced them with commoners, a t-shirt over laped by a brown vest and grey trousers. He completed the look with a black show that came down to his elbow, and a hood. Quay left the Palace, convincing the guards that he would be fine and that he had other waiting for him at his destination, which he again lied about. Quay had his Lance with him, which conveniently folded itself into a smaller size. He also had with him his pack, he would leave today, with a party fit for battle.