[center] [@Card Captor]'s Characters Hasn't been seen since the RP started [hider=Joel Jones] Real Name: Joel Jones Superhero Alias: None Gender: Male Age: 17 Appearance: [img]http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/date-a-live/images/0/02/Charashido0_0.png/revision/latest?cb=20141024045154[/img] Power Set: Body Alteration. Joel is able to alter any organic part of his body into any other kind of organic matter found on earth (ie turning his skin into tree bark, or his hand into the head of an animal). However he can not create or destroy matter, so if he want's to make something that has more mass then he's willing to trade, he can use another aspect of his power; Organic Absorption. With this, he can temporarily absorb foreign organic matter (dead or alive) to supply the mass needed for larger alterations, and eject it from his body when he reverts the change. Something to note however is that any damage taken to an altered body part will transfer to whatever extra organic matter he used for his change (if any), or his own body (if he didn't use any foreign matter). Through experimentation, he was able to discover that he could absorb foreign organic matter to heal himself, by having it replace any broken or missing pieces of his body. Something else of note is that the larger the foreign organic matter is, the longer it takes to absorb it Other Skills: Is a skilled boxer. He also has an interest in marine biology Weaknesses: His powers rely heavily on having nearby organic matter, so if there isn't any usable nearby, then he becomes severly limited in what he can do Personality: Joel is a very compassionate and generous boy, he makes an effort to reach out to other and tries to see the good in everyone. However he can also be easily blinded by his compassion, to the point of it becoming naivete. Coupled with his difficulty reading people, and it makes it easy to take advantage of his generosity. That being said; if he has no choice but to fight, he will fight, even if it puts him at risk. While he has no problem getting rough with his opponents, he does his best to avoid crippling or lethal blows Backstory: Joel Jones was born into a wealthy English family, with two loving parents. His early days of life were rather simple and carefree when compared to his later life. None the less, his life was relatively normal until he turned 6 and got a new little brother in the form of one 4 year old named David Barlow. As it turned out, Joel's father's life had been saved years ago by a poor man. Out of gratitude, he offered the man a favor. David was this man's son. As it turns out, he was calling in his favor to have David raised in the Jones home. Joel was excited to finally have have a boy his age around to play with, but David didn't seem to share his enthusiasm. David was cold and distant, far too much for any 4 year old. While he managed to hid it well enough around Joel's parents, he didn't bother keeping up the act. This continued for a few years until David's 7 birthday. After all the guests had left and things were winding down for the night, David was still outside, playing with some of his birthday toys, when a strange dog attacked him. It's eyes were blood red, and it had actual horns on it's head. David ran for his life to the nearest tree (as the monster dog was in between him and the mansion) and climb up it like his life depended on it. This didn't deter the dog, as even with David up on a branch, it was still trying to jump up the tree. Just as David was starting to catch his breath, the branch he was on snapped and he fell to the ground. The impact broke his leg, and he could escape from the beast any longer. Right before the monster dog lept on him to tear out his through however, Joel tackled it to the ground. As they soon discovered however, it had much more physical strength then a normal dog, so it was starting to get out of Joel's grip. In that moment, David grabbed the nearby fallen branch and whacked the monster in the head over and over again until it stopped moving. Once the adrenaline was cleared out of both of their systems, David asked Joel "[i]...Why?[/i]" To which Joel responded "[i]Because you're my brother[/i]" Those words broke a floodgate of emotions inside of David, and he sobbed in Joel's chest. Things changed between them from then on However as it turned out, upon it's death, the monster dog had irradiated the two of them, and they eventually developed super powers Other: He carries around a pouch filled with grass. Zodiac; Dragon. Blood Type; O [/hider] [hider=David Barlow] Real Name: David Barlow Superhero Alias: None yet Gender: Male Age: 15 Appearance: [img]http://i.imgur.com/UfULnwx.jpg[/img] Power Set: Within The Shadows. David has the power to make anything inside of a shadow, or in the dark completely invisible to the entire light spectrum. He can only make part of something invisible too if he wants. Anyone completely under it's effects will be able to see other things and people made invisible with his power, but to differentiation them from objects not under his power, they will appear transparent and extremely faded. He also posses excellent night vision Other Skills: David is a clever boy, he tries to win his fight out thinking his opponents rather then over powering them. He's also proven adapt at physiological warfare, using his words to get under the skin of his foes (although his time with him has granted Joel Jones an immunity to this). He's also an amazing actor, having developed a persona he uses in fights Weaknesses: Light. Since his powers can only be used on people or things in darkness, if he's in a location that has too much light, it becomes unusable Personality: David is a very jade boy. Due to having grown up drowning in the worst of humanity, he's quick to find the worst in other people, and has trouble trusting others. His alternate persona; DAVID (which he insists is in all caps) is cruel and condescending to his foes, openly mocking them while occasionally even laughing at them. However in reality, David is a scared and insecure boy. Having seen such evil so soon in his life has left him paranoid of other people. For him, DAVID is a crutch that he made from his memories of people he knew before living with the Jones'. Without that crutch, he just doesn't know how to interact with others... Backstory: The beginning of David's life wasn't a really great introduction to the world; He was born to an alcoholic father, and a mother who took up smoking not long after his birth. They lived in what could be easily called slums...it wasn't a safe neighborhood. Although his time with them was short, he picked up more then his fair share of nightmares. However things soon turned around for David; seeking to get rid of him without having to do anything, David's biological father sent him to the Jones mansion to call in a favor the head of the house owed him. Truthfully, he didn't expect the man to follow through on his word, since he doubted that he really believed that he saved his life when he was really just about to rob what he thought was a corpse. When David didn't return, he assumed that the boy had been killed along the way Life at the Jones mansion was radically different. Not only was he now eating three meals a day, but he was eating his fill for all three of them, he had his own room with an actual bed, and he had clothes that didn't have holes in them. For David it was too good to be true...literally. David couldn't believe that these people would just take him into their home just like that without some ulterior motive. Especially his new brother; Joel Jones. David had just intruded on his territory, there was no way anyone would really be as okay with that as Joel seemed to be. However...his point of view drastically changed on his 7th birthday After all the guests had left and things were winding down for the night, David was still outside, playing with some of his birthday toys, when a strange dog attacked him. It's eyes were blood red, and it had actual horns on it's head. David ran for his life to the nearest tree (as the monster dog was in between him and the mansion) and climb up it like his life depended on it. This didn't deter the dog, as even with David up on a branch, it was still trying to jump up the tree. Just as David was starting to catch his breath, the branch he was on snapped and he fell to the ground. The impact broke his leg, and he could escape from the beast any longer. Right before the monster dog lept on him to tear out his through however, Joel tackled it to the ground. As they soon discovered however, it had much more physical strength then a normal dog, so it was starting to get out of Joel's grip. In that moment, David grabbed the nearby fallen branch and whacked the monster in the head over and over again until it stopped moving. Once the adrenaline was cleared out of both of their systems, David asked Joel "...Why?" To which Joel responded "Because you're my brother" Those words broke a floodgate of emotions inside of David, and he sobbed in Joel's chest. Things changed between them from then on However as it turned out, upon it's death, the monster dog had irradiated the two of them, and they eventually developed super powers Other: His voice is normally very gentle sounding, however he developed a deeper and harsher one to use in his DAVID persona. Zodiac; Snake. Blood Type; AB [/hider] [/center]