Hello there! I'm going to keep this short and simple. I am craving for a Game of Thrones RP, and the current pairs I'm interested in are: - Rhaegar/[b]Lyanna[/b] - Ramsey/[b]Sansa[/b] (yeah, wasn't pleased with the way things turned out in a particular episode) - Jon Snow/[b]OC[/b] *names in bold are characters I want to play I might be open to other pairs. It depends on whether I'm comfortable with it or if the plot is really good. I prefer not to double, but if you really want me to, I will. I only RP via PMs or emails. And please, no one-liners. Quality > Quantity any time, but [b]no one-liners.[/b] Please PM me if you're interested :) Thanks!