Using her dagger Kody stabbed yet another zombie that was in her way as she ran towards her motorcycle. She had just gone into a gas station to see if there was any food only to be met by 10 lovely zombies and no supplies. Kody hopped onto her motorcycle, swiftly and skillfully pulling out her keys and starting her motorcycle before speeding away, slipping her dagger back into her boot as she drove to the highway and continued on her way south. About half an hour later she was maneuvering through a giant, abandoned traffic jam when she heard what sounded like a voice on a radio. She parked her motorcycle and turned off the engine before pulling her crossbow off her back and heading towards the sound. She soon reached an army truck with a CB radio. On the radio was a girls voice saying people should come to Aurora, Colorado. Kody decided she'd at least pass through on her way to Pheonix. It was out of the way but hey, maybe the person she was heading to Pheonix for would hear the radio and head that way. With that Kody got on her motorcycle and headed on her way towards Aurora, Colorado.