[color=fff200]Leval Lamrue[/color] Rowan was moving fast, which Leval had expected, when she stopped suddenly and whipped her robe around her. Leval stopped the illusion from accidently hitting her and giving away the trick. He blinked, and where Rowan had stood a bat flew. It started flying rapidly all over the room in confusing patterns. [color=fff200]"Vampire!"[/color] he realized with a flash. She flew up over head and began a dive towards his head, moving rapidly. [color=fff200]'No time for a Weave!'[/color] He raised his left hand above his head aiming right at the bat's eyes. [color=fff200][b]"Sunlight Lance!"[/b][/color]. He called out using the same strong intonation he used when he announced that he was in some type of venom form. He activated his light to its highest setting in a narrow beam. Leval wasn't sure if normal light was that effective against vampires, but at the very least he hoped the sudden blinding light and his lie of it being sunlight would disrupt her attack. The beam of light burst through his illusions fanged mouth at Rowan.