I sat on the floor of the hotel room, fumbling around with the wires for my microphone and voice modifier. once I had finally set up the wires, I messed around with the settings on the modifier, attempting to find just the right sound that could not be un scrambled. [i]Got it![/i] I thought after 20 minutes of twisting knobs and adjusting sliders, [i]I cant wait until Mio arrives and they begin to disuss me, then things will get interesting. I've deduced from the recent killings, along with some of the older ones, that the culprit would be either in Japan or in America with access to Japanese local news. The wings that the criminals drew on the ground just before dying link all of the murders together. I was almost convinced this was coincidence that they all died of suicides in strange ways, but that key evidence proves that this is a systematic killing. By the end of the month, I'll have caught this man, or group, and have had him, or them, put to death.[/i] I logged on to the computer under the guest profile, set up 29 proxies for my browser to go through, and accessed my email. [quote] To: MioOzaki@INTERPOL-JAPAN.gov From: RyuzakiNomoroshi@yahoo.com Subject: Conference Text: Mio, when you arrive at the conference, be sure to listen to see if anybody mentions me. If they do simply use the laptop to video conference me using Skype, then bring the laptop to the front of the room and announce that L has something to say. Incase you forgot my Skype is Suzuki951.[/quote] After finishing the email I walked over to the couch, sat in my usual way, and tuned into the news.