Oscar decide to leave the group and head to the cafeteria. Oscar was famished and needed a bite to eat. He said to the remaining people " cheers, I am going to get some chow." He went fetch his thing from the classroom and went to the cafeteria. At the cafeteria, he got some food and sat at one of the tables. Oscar ate in solitude. All was quiet except for the gunshots. Oscar is now more puzzled because of the length of sustained noise and the loudness of it. While Oscar hopes that it will be all okay. Oscar wonders what his grandfather did today. His grandfather is the only parent he knew. When Oscar is done with his food, he decides to go home. He goes to the elevator and calls it. It arrived shortly and he got in. When the doors opened on his floor, the refuge living quarters,there was blood an bodies everywhere. There was a security gaurd as well. The first thing on Oscar's mind was that of his grandfather. Oscar bolted to his home past the security guard. The sound of gunfire had now but Oscar did not care. When he got home, he called for his grandfather. His grandfather replied from the grandfather's room with a moan. Oscarrushed to his grandfather's side. Oscar said "Are you okay,Gramps?" His grandfather replied " To put bluntly, no. But do not worry about me. I am old and it is about time that I will leave this place. You are young and full of life. It is nearly your time to make your path in life.Your mom and dad would be proud to see you grow into who you are now. I am sorry to depart but I must. Farewell Oscar." Father he draw his final breath, Oscar's grandfather died. Oscar wept for a few moments. After that, he stood up and walk out. Oscar was not out for revenge. He wanted out.....