Hey Hansa! I thought about it, hahaha. But I lost the sheet for him, so. Hahah. the other pakumato i had, however, kept his abilities, just a different origin story. --- So, I'm thinking he'll go the energy blast route, as well as keep his intellect. I'm going to have his intellect ibe the reason he is able to change the properties of the energy blasts, as a result of using more of his brain power, and his synapses firing off at a faster rate, which will allow him to think faster as well. The blasts will have their own properties, like the earth element one hitting more like a blunt object than a regular energy blast, and the fire one causing burns. In a sense, he'll be sort of like Kei'taro, as far as variety - but like him, they won't be too strong(some consider Kei'taro strong, and to be frank, if used at utmost effectiveness, he probably is quite a handful. Personally, I don't think he is. Hahah)