[img]http://i1.mirror.co.uk/tv/tv-news/article4785352.ece/ALTERNATES/s615/Mad-Max-Tom-Hardy-Grab-fury-road.png[/img] [b]Name:[/b] Thomas Mason [b]Age:[/b] 38 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Sexual Orientation:[/b] Straight [b]Occupation:[/b] Former U.S Marine [b]Personality:[/b] A cool, calm and collected man, he's battle hardened. Keeps a cool head under pressure. [b]Skills/Abilities:[/b] The Marine is used to surviving, by any means. He can track, hunt and navigate around the terrain he's thrown in on. The Kinda guy you would want on missions. He's got great hand to hand combat, which might not be so great when facing a dinosaur. -[b]Navigating[/b] -[b]Tracking[/b] -[b]Hunting[/b] -[b]Hand to hand[/b] [b]Frailties:[/b] He's never been one for patience, if you can't keep up. He'd rather cut the dead weight. [b]Backstory:[/b] Thomas grew up in a happy, healthy home. His Father was in the Navy, so his progression to join the Marines was a natural leap of due process. Thomas was a shining example of what a Marine should become, and was looking at a very promising career within, looking set to rise up in rank. Then the incident happened, a T-rex killed his parents, and it was something that should never have been. How could something that was extinct be responsible for their deaths. Thomas took a spiral from there, left the Marines on good ground, set his eyes on joining the new park, when it came to open. With his skill set, he was selected to join as a Member of the ACU. Capturing escaped Dinosaurs. Returning them back to their enclosures. Thomas knows this park is a bad idea from the get-go. Human kind playing the role of God. Thomas is sure set to crumble the company from within, in the safest manner possible. Kill one Dinosaur at a time. [b]Former experience with Jurassic Park/World:[/b]The only time he's heard/ seen the Jurassic world. It was through chaos and misery, as his parents were killed when the T-rex was allowed to run rampant in the streets.