[b]Name:[/b] Blue [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/8f/3e/7e/8f3e7ec486c69ca195bae4b86e59e0e0.jpg[/img] [b]Age:[/b] 5 Years [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Species:[/b] Velociraptor [b]Personality:[/b] Blue is more intelligent, and more cunning than the other raptors made for Jurassic World, with these traits helping her become the leader of the pack. Despite these attributes Blue has a tendency to be aggressive and would usually attack without thinking, a good example of her temperament is when she nearly attacked a Jurassic World worker who entered her paddock. [b]Backstory:[/b] Blue was recreated by InGen to live as an attraction of Masrani Global Corporation's dinosaur park Jurassic World sometime before 2015. Her distinctive blue pattern is known to be made from using Black-Throated African Monitor Lizard DNA. When she was born Owen Grady imprinted on her, allowed him to train her. When she was young she and Echo fought for dominance over the park's Velociraptor pack with Blue being the victor. When the Indominus Rex escaped Blue and her sisters were used to hunt the hybrid down. But during the hunt, she and her pack mates began to communicate with the hybrid who revealed to them that it had raptor DNA, after it took Owen's place as the alpha, Blue and her pack mates turned against the humans. Blue and the rest for her pack later caught up with Owen, Claire, and the Mitchell brothers in Main Street where her and her pack have a change of heart and side with Owen's again. Soon after the Indominus rex arrived, Blue's pack and Owen decide to fight her. But that caused Blue to be knocked out and one of her pack mates to be killed. Though she eventually regained consciousness and lunged at the hybrid, allowing Rexy, the Jurassic World's Tyrannosaurus rex who had joined the battle in her absence, to get back on her feet after she was pushed to the ground by the I. rex. Blue assisted Rexy in her fight against the hybrid until the Mosasaurus dragged it into the bottom of the lagoon. Blue and Rexy called a truce and went their separate ways. However, the Raptor also found Delta, who had massive scars running up her sides from the Indominus's teeth. Blue glanced at Owen before disappearing into the night with Delta, heading into the jungle where they remained ever since.