The speakers began humming, this was the signal. The time for battle. [b][color=firebrick]"Get up you dogs!"[/color][/b] Balazar bellowed as he rose from the bench, placing his blade into the scabbard tied to the red sash around his waste. He turned on the men and women in the hull with him. Many of them hearing him speak for the first time, but following what he was saying none the less, perhaps out fear or just by the aggressiveness in his tone that made arguing with him sound like a bad idea, either commanded there attention. [b][color=firebrick]"Grab your weapons and form up, we're going up deck!"[/color][/b] He bellowed once more as the mercenaries quickly grabbed their weapons and formed up into a crude group before him. The ship shuddered a little. The harpoons had been fired, meaning their quarry was close indeed. He looked over the few before him, these that would be fighting besides him. Their hands tight around the hilts of blades, axes and spears or the stock and barrel of a rifle. Most would be dead before this was over if the quarry did anything but run. These were not warriors. [b][color=firebrick]"Spirits among us..."[/color][/b] He muttered to himself as he turned towards the stairs leading up to the main deck. The ship shuddered violently now, suddenly lurching forward sending balazar and the group behind him, stumbling backwards. Digging his claws into the wood planked floor, Balazar managed to keep himself from stumbling back further, untied barrels and crates tipped over and began rolling towards the dipping front of the ship. Narrowly missing Balazar in their own rolls. [b][color=firebrick]"Grab onto something and hold on!"[/color][/b]He shouted as he dug his hands and feet into the planks, he slowly began clawing his own way towards the stairs up to the top deck. Balazar eventually found himself on the top deck. He gazed around spotting the oxidal herself, responsible for his being here. Shara, stood by that damned Ashan, Atlas. He assumed the Arkard responsible for the mission was at the helm and the Baraki headhunter, whom looked like a capable fighter in her own right, was somewhere close, no doubt. Several of the mercenaries brushed past him, rushing for cover behind the transparent blue wall that had appeared over part of the ship, which he knew to be a shield. [b][color=firebrick]"What in the damned is going on!?"[/color][/b] He couldn't help but shout as he made his way over towards the two, his clawed feet clanking against the decks floor. [b]"-She is willing to abandon all sanity to evade us, not to mention that something in there seems to be punching our harpoons out. It wont be long before whatever it is manages to extract them all.”[/b] He heard the last of her words as he approached. Stopping mid step, his eyes fell to the harpoon guns, each on this side had fired as evident by the chains protruding from them towards the ship seemingly floating above them in a form of limbo. Not all however, we're still in the airship, in their stead were rather large holes in the metal. As he watched another harpoon embedded in the ships side fell away, sending the chain slack. [b][color=firebrick]"Now, now they won't escape that easily."[/color][/b] He spoke to no-one in particular as he approached one of the slack harpoon guns, grabbing the shoulders of one of the gunners and spinning him to face Balazar. [b][color=firebrick]"Fetch me another harpoon. Now."[/color][/b] With that, the gunner slipped away out of view as Balazar turned to the large harpoon gun. Going to it's base, he found that only a little chain remained, the harpoons had fired almost at maximum range. Ripping of the last of the chain from the base of the harpoon gun, the chain slid of the side, tumbling towards the earth below. [b][color=firebrick]"Where is that blasted gunner!?"[/color][/b]