In the port town of Ravenhome a ship lost at sea for three years has returned. The cargo vessel was discovered by a couple who'd gone out for a romantic night on the beach, where it had crashed ashore. The ship itself was in surprisingly good condition, but when the local law enforcement went to investigate, they found the ship all but empty. The cargo was still intact, but there were no signs of the crew, save one. Andrew Gilbert Crossfield was a sailor of little import, just a basic deckhand, and was found huddled in the fetal position in the ship engine room. The only info released about his condition was that he was mentally unstable, and was placed in the care of Ravenhome Asylum until it could be determined if he was a danger to himself or others. Since the return of the lost ship, your characters have been suffering from recurring nightmares that make it difficult to sleep. Oddly you cannot seem to remember your nightmares, save that something was calling you out to the shipwreck. This is set in 1939, in the fictional town of Ravenhome, North Carolina, though your characters may end up quite far away from their origin point. You will all be playing Ravenhome residents who, at the start of the adventure, have finally given into the wants of their dreams and decided to go to the wrecked ship. This is not using the Call of Cthulhu RPG system, rather a regular play by post setting. Post order will be organized by rounds to keep things clean, with post order determined by intro posts, and a GM post at the end of each round. Please note that this will deal with dark and mature themes, though nothing past the RPGuild rules, so if gore, suicide, mental illness and general disturbing imagery make you uncomfortable this is not the RP for you. Accepted characters list: Slot 1: Odette Langley (Horrid) Slot 2: Mona Di Luccio (Austronaut) Slot 3: Harold Campbell (Culot) Slot 4: Slot 5: [hider=Character skeleton:] [b]Basic information:[/b] Name: Age: Profession: Useful skills: Unskilled in: [b]Appearance:[/b] Height: Weight: Eye color: Hair color: Skin color: Description: [b]Personality:[/b] Interactions with others: Likes: Dislikes: Fears: Aspirations/goals: Mental state: [b]Equipment list:[/b] [/hider]