He spend his day watching the student's spare with each other. They were still not at the level that they could take on a demon with just their skills. He wondered if his generation was the last good group to come out of this school. He was going to have to drill them harder. Next time he was going to spare with them and show them the level that he would need to be at in order fight the demons. It was that or he would need to capture a low level demon to fight. He left the building and wondered where he should go. His father wanted him to visit today. He was sure that he was going to try to convince him to go back to the front lines. It was a conversation that he was tired of having. He was considered dead and he wanted to keep it that way. Instead he turned to his left and started to make his way to his favorite restaurant. He was going to treat himself before he went home to plan the next lesson. He looked up at the sky. He wanted nothing more than to go out hunting tonight. It would be a god night to hunt.