"Good. Move fast." Shuda said curtly to the Assasin's clone. He had always been a man of few words, even fewer when talking to an Ashan. When the ship lurched the first time, Shuda tumbled forward cursing. Luckily, he was used to sudden movements on ships and regained his balance relatively quickly by following his instincts. His instincts, of course, told him to latch onto the nearest solid object and hold on for dear life. His fingers found their way around the entrance to the ship's control room. He hadn't gone too far away when the ship was tugged downward. And the way the ship tipped, gravity itself brought him to the control room. "What in hell is going on!?" he roared, ready to pull his swords out and cut through whatever was causing this. A nearby Mercenary heard the angry Arkard and yelled back "The other ship, they killed their engines! They're in free fall! And they're pulling us down with them!" Shuda swore again. It was a bad habit of his, a result of his occupation and too much time around pirates. "We need to retract the harpoons" the mercenary yelled again. "Or we'll die!" Shuda snorted, [i]Like hell we will[/i]. This was nothing more than a game to see who would give in first. If their ship hit the ground, so would the Red Hood's. And she was far less dangerous on land. Shuda was willing to risk it. "Those Harpoons stay in till I say otherwise!" With that, Shuda strode into the control room. Suddenly the ship lurched again, seeming to stabilize somewhat. Shuda took advantage of the opportunity. He quickly flicked off the autopilot and took manual control of the ship. He directed all engines to one task and one task only: UP. He put the engines on 100% and almost immediately, the descent slowed. He thought they might even be rising slightly, but surely it was just a trick of the light. They would still fall, but Shuda had bought them some valuable time. If their plan was to work, Shuda needed as much time as possible. They might be falling but that didn't change anything. Not now. Not till the last second. Shuda strode from the control room, his mind in turmoil. They needed to act fast. Take advantage of whatever had them stationary for the most part right now. Suddenly, Shara strode up to him, she sounded as worried as he felt. "The Harpoons!" he shouted, hearing what she said and remembering. "The blasted Harpoons!" he roared again, striding away quickly. Shuda looked surprised to see Balazar already at work there. "You three!" he shouted at three Mercenaries standing around looking dazed and confused. "I'm not paying you to stand around! Man those Harpoons damn it!! Help the Baraki!! Reel us in! Work those winches! Do whatever the Baraki tells you!!" The mercenaries looked shocked at his angry tone, but started to slowly and reluctantly follow his orders. "Old Ones curse you! MOVE!!" He shouted, delivering a swift kick in the behind to one of the full-grown mercenaries. They scrambled forward rapidly, moving to do as he requested. Shuda turned back to Shara. "Where's the other Baraki? What's her name? Ther? Oh, and where's that blasted bike of yours Shara? Went to all that trouble of finding room for it on board! We're going to need it, put it to some damn use for once!" Of course, he didn't mean half of what he said but in his experience working with Mercenaries, most responded to little else other than threats, curses, and a chance to fatten their purses. To be honest, he was impressed with Shara and the mercenaries she had found. They appeared far more competent than the lot he was used to. Shuda spotted Thyr nearby "Oy! Get ready to fight! I'm sending you aboard!"