Pterophos had been staring off into the distance, occasionally someone from another guild would approach and talk to him, calculating losses and delivering news between the guild leaders present on the new floor. There were talks of a new lead guild after the Aincrad Liberation Front's heavy losses left them unable to lead the charge anymore. He was sure Neon Colossus would get it being on of the bigger guilds on the front lines, but that would be discussed formerly at the meeting. For now, they had 35 members waiting back at the guild's headquarters for their returning friends and families who had not yet heard the news. The first voice he heard was form the guild's only orange member, Repageroy. He was orange for stealing one too many times, and therefor had to be careful about where he was and was not and hindered a lot of the possible meeting locations inside of the guild, front line meetings simply did not consider him when choosing locations. "I know you can't get into safe zones without the guards attacking you, but that's your fault. However, the celebration will be in the headquarters on floor 14 outside Panareze, so you should be fine." He turned back to face the fields in front of him. Another messenger from another guild walked over over condolences for their two lost members and bringing a message crystal that read out 'THE TWENTY-FIFTH FLOOR HAS BEEN CLEARED. HEAVY LOSSES WERE FELT BY THE AINCRAD LIBERATION FORCE WHO WILL BE WITHDRAWING FROM THE FRONTLINES PERMANETLY AFTER RECEIVING FALSE INFORMATION ON THE BOSS. SCOUTS WILL BE ON FLOOR TWENTY-SIX FOR THE NEXT FEW HOURS.' It was the headline of the next paper that would circulate through the world. He scanned the articles and the only mention of his guild was in the picture of Mez and Khârn charging up with Kirito and Heathcliff taking the spotlight. The picture mentioned them only as "...along with two members of the Neon Colossus guild." Mez Was the next to speak to him. He suggested they recuperate before the impending front lines meeting after the scouts who were now just dust specs in the distance had returned with what they had found. "You're right, we should head back, and before everyone gets caught up in the deaths." He looked to the messenger who had been visiting and motioned asking if it was cool to leave to which she gave a thumbs up symbol after consulting one last guild leader. He turned to face his guild, most of which were sitting or laying down. He heard Queen's shout and mouthed '1 minute' to her. "Ahem! Ladies and Gentleman of the Neon Colossus strike team, we are to return to the 24th floor at once! We have a feast..." He paused bringing up his messages and finding the one from the guild's kitchen master. It read the feast was ready, and so he continued. "A feast ready! Those of you who are invited to the next front lines meeting know what is coming in a few hours, and might I suggest Mez and Khârn check the front page of tomorrow's paper! You might enjoy it!. Now, follow me through!" He shouted, pulling out a corridor crystal that he used to open a gate to the guild's front door. The guild headquarters was a small castle built on one of the many islands near Panareze. It was large enough to hold 200, but housed only 48 currently. It was a beautiful wood and stone building standing 4 stories tall. The interior was adorned in bright colors inspired by the guild's name, decorated by the guild members as well. Of course only some of the members stayed in the castle, it was rare to ever see it empty and unheard of on a day such as this where a floor had been cleared. Once there they would find all remaining members of the guild not chosen to journey into the boss room who lined the path into the headquarters waiting to hear the news of the battle. Some were excited for the return, regardless of the looks on some faces walking through to portal, some caught on fast that all was not well, especially the ones who counted the heads. One of the newer members was heard talking about how he was glad they lost two members because now he had a chance on the strike team. Within seconds of hearing it a screen popped in front of the girl's face that read 'YOU HAVE BEEN REMOVED FROM THE GUILD 'Neon Colossus' BY Pterrophos.' There were no goodbyes said, just silence. Most happy faces faded to sad ones. The doors to the guild hall opened to a feast prepared out for 50 members. Smells of the food filled the room and it was beautifully prepared. A smile crawled across the face of Pterrophos but he did not turn around to tell everyone to sit down and begin feasting yet. He walked around the table, taking two specific chairs out of the table and putting them in the front of the room near a podium. "Now we can begin!" He shouted. The crowd outside was bitterly silent until some of the younger members pushed through and ran to their seats to begin eating. The mood was brightened and the remaining guild members began talking to the 12 returning heroes as well as finding their seats. Everyone had their regular group of admirers asking them questions about the battle, with the remainder that would be around Ghesh and Turnit simply ate in silence. "we won, by the way." Pterrophos walked to his seat at the head of the table. It was big enough for two chairs to sit side by side but he sat alone.