Jacob, sitting atop of Darrin, rubbed his own face vigorously with frustration. "God, that's the last time I help [i]anyone[/i] out in this messed up world." He glared down at the boy and asked him, "Do you want to die now or suffer? Because the chance of you recovering as quick as Nick did is very slim." --- Nicholas, chest heaving from the shortness of breath as a result of his adrenaline rush and quarrel with Darrin, stumbled to the front door after Mattie. It didn't matter that his head was aching, or that he was so dizzy he could barely stand, or that his stomach was turning every which way until he felt like he might vomit. "I'm sorry," were the first words that spilled out of his mouth, of course. He didn't know what to say to her. He just infected her brother. "I didn't know what else to do," he said, more to himself rather than to her. He ambled over to where she was and crouched down beside her before falling down into a sitting position. He didn't look at her, and he leaned his head back against the house, eyes closed. His breathing was erratic. His head was so hot, but the coolness of the night made it a little bit better.