Osaki was happy to see Mathew and wondered why he grabbed her taking with her in a run. Until she saw it, Mathew didn't like it either. It was hideous looking. She didn't like rad roaches or mole rats but this thing made them look a lot more pleasing. Before she could react Mathew grabbed once more, this time she didn't encouraging so when he let go she followed. This time they came upon security and things were doing better as they managed to take one down. She saw Mathew move off and dodge the beast they ran from and when she moved after him the creature seemed to be more angry at the security officers who fired at it. She continued to follow behind Mathew until he stopped trying to reach his family on the intercom. What she heard wasn't something she wanted. Mathew had began tear up and take his frustration on the wall. He was coming up with conclusions,.. At least she hoped he was. He started moving again and she followed once more. She trusted his thinking more then hers right now. We came upon the elevators one was out of service. The other had something come out of it and before she knew it Mathew shoved into hiding. Once the thing was gone they game to a blood bath of refs with guns. Were they the source of the gunfire earlier. Mathew mentioned the Vault doors soon after. They were escaping the vault. She wanted to let her parents know but... No it was too late for them as well as it was for Mathew's the idea of her parents dying to those things made her tear up. Then suddenly they were joined by Kat. She had asked if they were going to the vault doors and she nodded back. Kat then picked up one of the guns and some ammo saying it might be useful. She looked to one of the guns and saw a assault rifle and a 10mm pistol. She did not know if she could wield a assault rifle as well as the others could. If she dug through there was likely another one. She picked up the 10mm and the assault rifle and handed the assault rifle to Mathew. She then picked up a few belts that had clips of ammo to there guns. Not many clips for some where missing due to usage. She handed them around. "Better then nothing I suppose. I think the surface is our best option. Hopefully we will run to the others..." Then someone yelled over at them. She did not recognize him at first. Jerry was his name. "First we arm ourselves then we go, or would you rather face the next horrid creature without any way of fighting back. Also thanks for letting the creature, who had just left this elevator not even an hour ago, know it is being occupied again with your yelling." She then looked to the ground. "Those creatures,.... Did you notice the clothing they wore. They were once one of us..." She said. She was starting to come to the conclusion that from what she saw that those might have been the engineers she saw earlier. Then again maybe not. It was so weird, so different. "I am ready when you are, no use turning back now. The more we stall the more chances that thing will come back."