[i]There was an old Erdevar fable of the fisherman and the storm. The fisherman lived upon a special piece of coastline upon where there was always perfect weather: the sky was blue, the ocean was so calm that it created a mirror that reflected all of the heavens upon of it, and the fish were always bountiful. The fisherman lived his days taking what he needed from the sea and always confident that it would always give him something back. One day though there was news of a storm coming. The fisherman did not believe this because in his very long life there had never been a bad storm that touched the waters where he fished, he believed those to be liars and fools. An old friend came to warn him of the storm and yet the fisherman dismissed him, a man from the temple came to warn him and yet he was dismissed, and even the fisherman's daughter came from the next village over to tell him and yet he dismissed her. Though the clouds grew grey and dark the fisherman still dismissed them for he knew what his world was and he knew that no storm would come. Even as he set up his boat, the wind picked up and the animals retreating to find shelter he dismissed it for he knew no storm would come. The fisherman went out to sea that day and was swept away by the great storm swallowed by the ocean never to be seen again. [/i] [hr] Yet no hard taught lessons of adaptability to change could of helped Asrai in the moments to come. For a time a serene moment of peace fell over the Sundancer, though like most serene moments of peace they only existed to be broken by the overwhelming forces of chaos. Asrai was almost impaled upon sharp metal as a harpoon broke through the Sundancer’s hull mere inches away from her face. She pulled back quickly just in time as another one lodge right where he body once was. From somewhere above her she heard the captain’s voice echo down below in an authoritative tone to hold on to something. Asrai body moved before her mind could finish making the connections required to comprehend speech with one hand she grabbed a hold of the scruff of Adra’s neck hoisting the wolf up and with the other she latched on firmly to the closest thing to hand it being the harpoon that was currently jutting through the wall. There was a great shudder as the Sundancer pitched downwards and the Erdevar suddenly found herself suspended in mid air one hand grasping on the hook, her wolf hanging below her as entire ship was now plunging towards the ground. Asrai concentrated all her strength upon not letting go and falling from the “top” to the “bottom” as she mentally wondered what the hell was going on. She figured the harpoons must of come from the craft that she had spotted following them through the viewport. But the did not explain why the captain had decided to suicidally plunge them towards the ground as if she was late with an appointment with death. Certainly drastic measure of this kind were not that warranted where they? They could deal certainty deal with common pirates without having to crash spectacularly in the process? She felt her arms burn in protest as she was stuck in a dead hang her entire body rigid as her feet dangled into the dead air. Adra yelped in protest below her as Asrai’s other hand clutched his scruff harder trying not to let go. She wondered how long this would last as she tried and figure out a way to get out of her current predicament. Then it hit her much like a speeding truck. A sudden bursting surge of anima that her fine tuned Erdevar senses picked up like a radar dish. There was a sharp and sudden pain in her head like the worst splitting headache in the world as the current outflux of anima battered her senses. The pain was enough for her hands to reflexly let go from their current holds sending Asrai and Adramelechk tumbling downwards. Fighting through the mental pain she managed to grab onto the wolf in the haze pulling it close into a sheltering embrace as she fell. She hit into the floor moments later or what at least felt like a floor but was actually a wall of the ship jutting outwards in the hall now in its vertical position acting almost like a platform right near the open door and about for steps leading up to the cockpit proper, the door hanging weakly upon its hinges from the Mord who had just came barreling through it almost moments earlier before Asrai's impact. The impact knocked the wind out of her as she groaned in pain. The pain in her head began to subside as it adjusted to the overwhelming amount of anima in the air. She was perfectly content to rest upon that wall for the rest of her life which seemed to be ending shortly until Adramelechk growled against her chest still stuck in her embrace. [color=violet]”Huh? What is it boy?”[/color] She muttered releasing her grip on him and letting him go. Adra crawled off of her chest and continually nudged her with his nose trying to get her up. The hunter not one to argue with her animal companion slowly pushed herself to her feet. Steadying herself after the impact took a moment as her breathing returned to normal. Adra was pointed ahead or well across from them and down quarter of an inch closer to the door that lead to the cockpit than she was. It was a door..... just a door that seemed to lead if she remembered correctly a closet of some sort. Though if Adra was acting up that mean his nose was sniffing somebody that definitely should not be there, a scent that he had not familiarized by himself upon the journey. One of the pirates perhaps? But why in all things holy would they be in a closet? Not second guessing her hunting companion the Eredevar drew her bow and nocked an arrow in a swift fluid motion that came from years of practice. At half draw she let loose and fired sending the arrow at the door and impeding it within the frame not enough to actually go through but enough to get the attention of whoever was on the otherside. She announced in a calm and clear voice towards the mysterious closet occupant. [color=violet]”I know you're in there! If you would like to come out of this without becoming a living pincushion I suggest you open the door and raise your hands above your head nice and slowly!”[/color] She suggested as Adra growled next to her adding a nice sidenote to the intimidation.