"'Bolts can come with us if she needs to,'" Annalynn quoted as Kal left the room, outwardly unphased by the display of force. Inwardly, however, her heart was racing, but Annalynn knew better than to let that show. "Would somebody please remind our head of security that she, too, is listed as essential personnel? If she insists that essential personnel should not go on this mission, then almost our entire ground team should be replaced bar one ranking officer. The lieutenant's pride may get in the way of her critical thinking skills sometimes, and despite what she may or may not believe about my mental capability, I actually do know what I'm talking about." Annalynn got up from her seat, holding her forehead. "I have a headache. I'll be in my office 'talking shit about shit I know shit about,' as our security chief so gracefully put it. Please contact me if it's urgent." With that, Annalynn withdrew from the meeting room and began to head back towards the science labs.