[b]Name:[/b] Caroline [img]http://www.da-files.com/artnetwork/zeitgeist/jurassic-world/img-12.jpg[/img] [b]Age:[/b] 3 Years [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Species:[/b] Carnotaurus sastrei [b]Personality:[/b] Caroline is a docile yet sneaky ambush predator, usually hiding in the shadows of thick undergrowth. Towards humans, she can be considered tamed. However underneath that calm nature, she is a natural predator, still as vicious as a wild raptor. However she, like other Carno’s, will usually bid her time and wait for a person to drop their guard before attacking. [b]Backstory:[/b] Caroline was recreated by InGen to live as an attraction of Masrani Global Corporation's first Jurassic World. Her chameleon-like aspects was made from using Jackson Chameleon Lizard DNA, which was able to make her camouflage with her surroundings and express emotions, much like the I-Rex, however her’s was cuttlefish. Caroline wouldn’t be revealed to the public until she would be a juvenile. For the time being though, she was tamed by the scientists who took care of her. However after Jurassic World’s closing, she was taken by InGen to a secret location where she will be featured in the second Jurassic World. In the second park, Caroline was already a sub-adult, measuring 3 meters tall and 7 meters long, almost fully grown. She is usually fine with keepers coming into her exhibit, but can get a bit antsy when hungry. Sometimes she would attack a keeper if their guard wasn’t up as she hides in the bushes with her camouflage. She had only caused one serious injury, but has not killed anyone yet. However, as she relies on her camouflage she can be frightened off by rapidly changing light patterns, such as someone waving a torch back and forth over their hiding place, since this disrupts their rather slow camouflage (approximately ten second to 'blend') from changing to match fast enough to keep up. Yet she can follow orders if a person uses ‘safe’ and stable color patterns (such as bright green, blue, and purple) to guide her where she needs to be (red, orange and yellows can make it go crazy if used incorrectly). However, just like a raptor, she is still a very dangerous animal. Be aware of her if you are in her area...