With a raised eyebrow and a snort to the girl that just went into her room, seeing that she didn't say another word to him. Ian shrugged his shoulders. Turning around to relight the cigarette that had gone out while he was distracted. He pulled out his keys while walking away. Set on getting something to eat. It didn't dawn on him till he was to his car that he still was smoking. Ian didn't like smoking in his car. He might have been smoking, but, he didn't want his car smelling like an ashtray. Growling and mumbling his frustration to the cold, hunger, and wanting to finish his damn cigarette. Looking around, he didn't think that anything was going to happen here. Not yet anyways. To this, he decided that walking to the diner that was up the street didn't seem like that bad of an idea. Putting his keys back into his pocket, he headed off in search for a cheap meal.