[b][i]John White[/i][/b] [i]Flashback 2013[/i] Rapid footsteps walk briskly through the hallway of the Genetic's Lab. John White had a face of utter worry as he ignores the other scientists walking pass him, some even saying a friendly hello to him. The geneticist was heading straight to Dr. Wu's office, for he had worrying suspicion with their newest creation. The infamous Idominus Rex. He finally reaches the end of the hallway and quickly opens the door to Dr. Wu's office. "Dr. Wu." he said nervously as he opens the door. The head scientist, who was doing some paper work on his desk, looks up from what he was doing and makes a friendly smile. "Ah," he says in a friendly welcoming tone, "Dr. White. What seems to be the matter?" White clears his voice as he pulls a chair to sit down. "We need a talk." he then says, "It's about the Indominus'." "What about them?" replies Wu as he folds his hands together. A deep sigh escapes White's mouth as he explains. "I just got out from bed and was going to do my research work, when I was suddenly approached by Dr. Sandler. Apparently there was an... incident, regarding the younger sibling." "What about her?" John pauses to take a nervous gulp. "She ate it... Last night she ate the sibling." Wu's eyebrows rose up after hearing this. "She... ate it?" "Yes... she did. Which brings me to what I really wanted to say. I've been observing the first Indominus ever since she hatched from her egg, every day, and I've began to realized something. Already its been several months and not only has she been growing quite rapidly, but her intelligence was rising at a frightening rate." "Well we did insert that ONE gene into her so we should be expecting her rise in intelligence. However, I find it odd that she would kill her sibling. They should've gotten along." "And she killed the sibling in her SLEEP. IN. HER. SLEEP. Never had I heard of dinosaurs attacking one another, let along their own siblings, at night when they are sleeping." There is a slight pause as he takes a deep breathe. "I fear that Indominus is too smart for us to handle. She is going to cause ruin to this park. It will be 1993 all over again! She will shut the whole park down!" "You do know very well that we are very well in control of her." "IN CONTROL? No Dr. Wu, we are not~!" "And you do know that we monitor her daily." "We are not in control of her! Already she has attacked several workers and I can see some slash marks on the walls of the enclosure. I think she's trying to escape. We have to eliminate her before she can do REAL catastrophic harm and replace her with a much more stable creature. One that we have better control of!" "And what if the other hybrid doesn't match to what you desire Dr. White?" "Then there will be no hybrids at all for they will be too unpredictable!" "Either way, we will not eliminate Indominus. She will grow up as planned and be revealed to the public as the main star of the park! Think of how much we will profit from her, how much fame, for she is indeed revolutionary. She's bigger, smarter, and cooler then a T. Rex... all what Masrani Global desires." "You are making a BIG mistake Wu! She will be the one that will send us back to the fate of the first park!" "SHE WILL NOT BE KILLED. And THAT is final... No further discussion." Dr. White angrily gets up from his chair and takes a deep breathe before he could slap him for such a decision. He then walks back to the door, but as he opens it, he stops to say one thing. "Dr. Wu..." White says sternly, "When this park goes to shits... you will say my name." Dr. Wu seemed puzzled at what White ment. "U-Um, say your name, Dr. White?" White then turns to Wu with a glare. [b]"Your god damn right."[/b] And with that, he exits the office and slams the door behind him. [hr] [b]Present Day[/b] Dr. White still remembers that day when he talked to Wu about Indominus. It will be only two years later, after hearing rumors that InGen would come to the park, that he made his escape by taking a so called "vacation" back to San Francisco to be with his wife and child. Good that he did too, because not only did InGen come, but also his worst fear. Indominus escaped... and in response, the whole park was closed down. He was lucky to have not been there when it all happened and he never heard from Ingen ever since... Several months later, he then gets a call to come and rebuild Jurassic World. He would've refused and probably went back to working with Genentech Co, but for some reason he accepted the offer. He doesn't even know why to begin with... maybe it was to tell Dr. Wu "I told you so?" Who knows, but now he is back in a newly built research facility doing some paper work. He doubts it a lot, but hopefully THIS TIME InGen will know what they are doing and hopefully not redo what they had did before...