Finally got it up. Also, I was wondering, because May is supposed to be obsessive, if she should fawn and fan girl over Hermonia too or if she wouldn't like her for some reason and be super annoyed with her instead. I left it kind of ambiguous at the end so I could establish that later when they interact more. Or I could go back and change it to where she's totally a fan and tries to sit next to her and be her bestest buddy ever lol. XD Currently, I have her anxiety fueling her obsessive behavior but I wasn't sure how far I should take that trait. Like I was even wondering if I should make her obsessive relationship wise too. However, because she has anxiety also, I've just been leaning more toward the OCD side of things. I think, for sure I'm going to make her all panic-y when she realizes she had feelings for someone. Also, I'm sorry that (and this) came out so long, lol. That tends to happen when I write in the middle of the night. Also, I apologize for any horrifying writing errors. I did this on a kindle and swipe to type can be kind of a bastard sometimes.